

发布时间:2022-02-15 08:41:28浏览次数:32文章来源:培顿教育
导读:  托福阅读句子插入题怎么做?技巧一:代词锁定法 这个题型的样子大家肯定非常熟悉了。基本都是倒数第二题,题目会在段落中安排四个黑色

  托福阅读句子插入题怎么做?技巧一:代词锁定法    这个题型的样子大家肯定非常熟悉了。基本都是倒数第二题,题目会在段落中安排四个黑色的小方块,再给我们一个新句子,问我们新句子放在哪个位置比较好。







  Paragraph 5: These forces were the rapidly expanding electronics and telecommunications companies that were developing and linking telephone and wireless technologies in the 1920s. In the United States, they included such firms as American Telephone and Telegraph, General Electric, and Westinghouse. They were interested in all forms of sound technology and all potential avenues for commercial exploitation. Their competition and collaboration were creating the broadcasting industry in the United States, beginning with the introduction of commercial radio programming in the early 1920s. ■With financial assets considerably greater than those in the motion picture industry, and perhaps a wider vision of the relationships among entertainment and communications media, they revitalized research into recording sound for motion pictures.

  Paragraph 6: ■In 1929 the United States motion picture industry released more than 300 sound films—a rough figure, since a number were silent films with music tracks, or films prepared in dual versions, to take account of the many cinemas not yet wired for sound. ■At the production level, in the United States the conversion was virtually complete by 1930. ■In Europe it took a little longer, mainly because there were more small producers for whom the costs of sound were prohibitive, and in other parts of the world problems with rights or access to equipment delayed the shift to sound production for a few more years (though cinemas in major cities may have been wired in order to play foreign sound films). The triumph of sound cinema was swift, complete, and enormously popular.

  13. Look at the four squares [■] that indicate where the following sentence could be added to the passage.

  When this research resulted in the development of vastly improved sound techniques, film studios became convinced of the importance of converting to sound.

  Where would the sentence best fit?


  新句子中有this research这个代词+名词的结构,说明在这个新句子的前面会说到一个research。


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