托福口语回忆和解析含参考答案!本文托福口语培训老师整理提供,供大家参考学习!更多托福备考干货,请关注培顿 教育,需要托福课程可以在线预约试听
Task 1
内容回忆Do you think government should spend money saving the endangered animals or the money has to come from private sources?
参考答案I believe it is the government that should spend money saving the endangered animals. This is mainly because the government can make a profit by having nature or wildlife reserves and making them tourist places. And the money in turn could be used to protect more vanishing breeds, which can turn into a positive cycle. Second, saving endangered animals is not just a topic that only concerns a few people. It is actually a public issue. Animals help to maintain the ecological balance of the nature. If an extinction appears, it will directly affect the food chain and create disturbance.
Task 2
听力买这个很好啊,比手作方便,并且说现在很多公司都要会用这个,女生在一家公司作实习生时那里就有,但女生觉得放图书馆不好,应该放建筑系大楼,因为图书馆人太多,大家可能就是use it for fun了,会导致等待时间很久
Task 3
阅读Appeasement behavior,指在同一动物族群中,软弱的动物会给出一些行为或信号以示弱,从未避免与强者的争斗。
听力教授举了狼群的例子,狼群一起吃东西,大狼想take whole就会threatening attack小狼;小狼lower head, keep fur close to body,act weakness,大狼就不会harm小狼
Task 4
更多托福备考干货,请关注培顿 教育,需要托福课程可以在线预约试听