托福口语回忆和解析考情回忆!本文由沈阳托福口语培训班提供 一起来看看吧!更多托福备考干货资料,可以关注培顿 教育!培顿 托福提分课程招生中,在线咨询了解课程详情
Task 1
内容回忆Your community has received money from the government to build a building in an open area. Which would you prefer, a company offering more jobs or a park? Use specific examples and details to support your answer.
参考答案Honestly, I think the government should just build a park on this empty piece of land. First of all, people can exercise in the park. They can do workout in the morning and also take a walk there after dinner time. So people can easily keep fit and enjoy a healthy lifestyle. Besides, it can help people to relax. Like during the weekends, we can easily have a picnic with family members what we can play soccer in the park with our classmates. In this case, we can relax and recharge our minds. Because of these two reasons, I think building a park is just more beneficial.
Task 2
原因1: 减少看屏幕的时间,对眼睛好
原因2: 不带电脑可以专注课堂
Task 3
Task 4
2021年4月21日托福口语考情回忆!更多托福备考干货资料,可以关注培顿 教育!培顿 托福提分课程招生中,在线咨询了解课程详情