托福口语回忆和参考答案 本文是啄木鸟教育 上海YESSAT华梦涛老师整理点评,供大家参考学习,更多托福考试回忆及备考干货,大家可以关注培顿教育
Task 1
内容回忆Which one to choose,math club or skiing club?
参考答案Academic clubs, especially math clubs, have already got enough attention. It is time for other clubs to shine. Even if the skiing club can't be a selling point to attract more prospective students, it doesn't mean those students' voice should be silenced and their needs should be ignored. In addition, skiing is such an exciting sport that many students are dying to give it a try. It helps students get close to the nature. Also, skiing clubs need money to function. Club members will need money to rent a decent place for training,to hire a coach or to make other arrangements. They desperately need all the help they can get.
培顿教育托福属于培顿北美考试院,集中19个托福、SAT、 GRE、GMAT教研组,专注提分15年,开设各类北美课程班型,满足各类学生需求。多年来造就多名托福、SAT、 GRE、 GMAT精英学员。想要培训托福,培顿教育是一个不错的选择!