托福口语回忆和解析含参考答案,本文由涛老师整理点评,供大家学习参考!更多托福备考干货,请关注培顿 教育,培顿 托福提分课程正在火热报名中,有需要的同学可以联系网站客服预约试听哦
Task 1
内容回忆Children should learn independent living skills at an early age.
参考答案In my opinion, children should learn to be independent as early as possible.
On one hand, children will have to master the skill of living on their own sooner or later, so it makes sense for kids to learn to independent at early age. This benefits their future because they don’t always need to bother other people and ask for help.
Ont the other hand, children should learn to be independent as early as possible so that their parents don;t have to be worried about whether they could take care of themselves under certain occasions. Take me as an example, my parents have always been really busy, but that doesn’t affect me because i know how to cook and I’m fully capable of living on my own.
Task 2
Task 3
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Task 4
更多托福备考干货,请关注培顿 教育,培顿 托福提分课程正在火热报名中,有需要的同学可以联系网站客服预约试听哦