托福口语回忆和解析 本文由培顿托福口语培训教育,沈阳托福培训班整理点评,并为大家分享参考答案,供各位同学参考学习!更多托福备考干货,请关注培顿 教育,培顿 托福提分课程正在火热报名中,有需要的同学可以联系网站客服预约试听哦
Task 1
内容回忆Do you prefer a job that deals with different tasks or one that deals with the same task everyday?
参考答案Sample answer:
For me, this is a fairly easy one to answer. A job that allows me to handle different sorts of tasks would apparently better meet my expectation for a meaningful career life. To say the least, one gets to improve more abilities and skills in such a position, and his social circle will inevitably enlarge in this process. Let’s say you work with a team in a news agency. That means you will need to choose the right stories, carry out investigations, and organize different types of reports. A lot can be learned during these activities, and you also would have to maintain good relations with your sources. That’s something you’ll never experience in a repetitive job.
Task 2
阅读学校要在新生宿舍楼下搞library information desk,
Task 3
阅读阅读概念: sweeping generalization(一概而论),
定义: 错误地把一个principle用到所有的情况中的错误做法
听力听力例子: 教授举例shouting at others,自己有一次在咖啡馆丢了包,15分钟以后发现包没拿,又回去拿包,原来坐在他旁边的女的还在那儿,说本来想提醒的,但是咖啡馆人太多太吵了,她不想shout,因为shout不好,所以没提醒
Task 4
听力方式一:长得很矮,就能扛过high wind,
更多托福备考干货,请关注培顿 教育,培顿 托福提分课程正在火热报名中,有需要的同学可以联系网站客服预约试听哦