

发布时间:2020-07-13 16:01:47浏览次数:110文章来源:培顿教育
导读:  托福独立口语怎么学习?这些万能思路了解一下。我们都知道独立口语任务的考察重点是思路拓展和语言组织能力,很多同学答不好,答不全的

  托福独立口语怎么学习?这些万能思路了解一下。我们都知道独立口语任务的考察重点是思路拓展和语言组织能力,很多同学答不好,答不全的主要原因也是自己的思路不会展开,语言不会组织。而托福独立口语的题目很多,且每次考试的题目不大一样,这对托福考生备考来说,任务量无比是巨大的。 但实际上这些题目在出题的方式上有所相似,所以把题目和思路总结好,备考效率和考场应战便游刃有余。





  Your friend has been offered a job that’s far away from his hometown. Do you think he should take it or not? Give specific reasons and details to support your response.




  1. open up mind 开阔视野

   people and cultures 接触到不同的人和文化

   embrace differences e.g. values, beliefs, ideas, and lifestyles


   become tolerant 变得更包容

   find a kind of life → feel comfortable with


  2. enrich experience 丰富经历

   see and contact with something different and new ← one’s own society 经历新奇的事情

   share what (I) have gone through with others


   become outgoing and sociable 变得外向、合群的

   make more friends 交到更多朋友


  Personally speaking, I will suggest my friend take the job, because working far away from his hometown means visiting different places, which will be beneficial to him for the following reasons.

  First, living far away from his hometown can help open up his mind because he will have a chance to get in touch with different people and cultures, and therefore, to embrace many differences such as different values, beliefs, ideas, and lifestyles. This experience can not only make him become tolerant to difference, but also allow him to discover and live a life he feels comfortable with.

  Also, visiting different places can enrich his experience, because he will see and contact with something new and different from his own society, making him share what he has gone through with others. Such experience will allow him to become outgoing and sociable and enable him to make more friends.


  1、Do you prefer to travel on business frequently or work on the same location?

  2、Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? If a person wants to be happy, he or she should like his or her job or work. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

  3、 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Why or why not? It is better for small children to grow up in big cities. Use details and examples to explain your answer.

  4、Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: Parents should be a part in their kids’ decision-making process?

  5、What kind of job will you choose? To find a job through which you can get a lot of money or a job through which you can get great personal satisfaction?

  6、Some people prefer to go straight to their destination while traveling; others prefer to spend more time looking around on the way. Which do you prefer?

  7、Some people prefer to take a vacation in cities; others prefer to spend their vacation in the countryside. Which do you prefer? Explain why.

  8、Which do you prefer when choosing a job?

  1) travel a lot for work but get more pay

  2) no need for traveling but get less pay

  9、What kind of job will you choose? To choose a job through which you can get a lot of money or to choose a job through which you can get great personal satisfaction? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

  10、Among the following three professions, which do you respect the most: photographers, musicians or painters? Explain why.

  11、Your friend has suddenly had a good run of fortune and come into a large amount of money. He would like to ask you for some suggestions on how to use the money. What would you recommend?

  12、The school is considering making a policy to regulate students’TV-watching. Talk about the advantages and disadvantages of students watching a lot of television. Please include specific details in your explanation.



  Which challenge in the list do you think is the most difficult for the university students? Being far away from families, finding time to relax or making new friends.

  1. 审 题, 从 题 干 中 找 出 关 键 词 及 相 关 信 息, 即“the most difficult”“university

  students”,所以考生要决定对大学生来说最困难的事是什么。在具体指令中,有“being far away from families”“finding time to relax”和“making new friends”3 个选择,考生要从中选出一项作为自己的观点。

  2. 迅速决定自己的观点,并找出支撑该观点的理由。

  答题要点 4 步法 :

  第 1 步 :

  开门见山陈述自己的观点 :

  Now university students face many challenges, but I think the most challenging part of all is being away from their family.

  第 2 步 :

  1. 给出第一个理由 :对大学生来说,上大学可以摆脱父母的管制,获得自由。

  Firstly, when they arrive at school, they are free from their parents for the first time in their life.

  2. 以具体化的行为作为论据来支撑第一个观点 :他们有可能只顾着玩,忽视了学习。

  Often, this leads to them having too much fun and not studying hard enough.

  第 3 步 :

  1. 给出第二个理由 :离开家后,学生必须自己做决定,自己规划时间。

  Further, being far away from home means that students have to pay for their own meals, schedule their classes and study time accordingly, take the right classes, and make the right friends.

  2. 这一情况的结果 :有时候这对学生来说非常困难。

  Without family, these new responsibilities can sometimes be difficult.

  第 4 步 :


  Being away from the ones you love most is surely the hardest part.


  Topic Now university students face many challenges, but I think the most challenging

  part of all is being away from their family.

  Reason 1 Firstly, when they arrive at school, they are free from their parents for the first time

  in their life. Often, this leads to them having too much fun and not studying hard


  Reason 2 Further, being far away from home means that students have to pay for their own

  meals, schedule their classes and study time accordingly, take the right classes, and

  make the right friends. Without family, these new responsibilities can sometimes

  be difficult.

  Conclusion Being away from the ones you love most is surely the hardest part.

相关热词搜索: 托福独立口语 托福


托福 雅思 SAT 预备课 学术课 美高学分 学业规划