

发布时间:2020-06-21 01:09:28浏览次数:33文章来源:培顿教育



第一步:可以用母语理解上面这段地道深邃的文字,可以通过谷歌,词典等手段查处你不认识的词汇,比如Linsanity:林来疯(纽约尼克篮球队的23岁球员林书豪,从在选秀会上落榜且之前默默无闻,到一夕成名的热潮)a McDonald’s All-American Game: the all-star game played each year for American and Canadian boys’ and girls’ high-school basketball graduates

draft pick:获选新秀

Point gurd: 控球后卫

A throwback to an earlier era: If you say that something is a throwback to a former time, you mean that it is like something that existed a long time ago. 复古; 回归


1. 林书豪是一位谦虚的华裔哈佛毕业生,不是专业篮球队员出生,却进了NBA,这个故事特别励志,说明普通人也可以很成功!(普通人逆袭的故事),这给人们无限的希望

2. 他只是肯塔基州的一个球员,然后成为第一轮的获选新秀,一步一个脚印地上去,循序渐进,脚踏实地,最后入选NBA。

3. 他把篮球平民化,该投球就投球,该传球就传球,很果断,很注重团队合作。


‌First, Jeremy Lin is a very humble Harvard graduate, and he's not, I mean professional basketball player. But he entered NBA! His story of success is very inspiring and shows that ordinary people can also be very successful, and it brings people a lot of hope.

Second, he was only a player in Kentucky, then he became the first round draft pick, and step by step, he gradually made his way to become a NBA star.

On top of that, he makes basketball less star-oriented, and he passes the ball when required and shoots the ball when necessary. For him, teamwork is always the key to success.

第四步:把转化后的语料移花接木到你要回答的托福口语题目里就更加贴切了,可以根据题目的需求增加内容细节,比如题目讲的是hard work,你就可以把把第一点林书豪的例子增加一些具体内容,比如

First, Jeremy Lin is a very humble Harvard graduate, and he's not, I mean professional basketball player. But he entered NBA! The fundamental reason is that he is working so hard and always holding fast to his dreams. His story of success is very inspiring and shows that ordinary people can also be very successful, as long as they are hard working enough.



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