

发布时间:2023-11-14 17:10:46浏览次数:11文章来源:培顿教育
导读:  关于雅思写作预测有吗?今天,培顿 雅思的老师为大家整理了2022年1月的雅思写作预测,小编为大家汇整了雅思小作文中的静态柱

  关于雅思写作预测有吗?今天,培顿 雅思的老师为大家整理了,雅思写作预测,小编为大家汇整了雅思小作文中的静态柱状图的题目以及相关的范文,希望可以帮助到各位同学。

  The statistics (measured as a percentage) of people’s drinking and buying habits on coffee and tea in five Australian cities from a survey is indicated by this bar chart.

  To begin with, 44% residents in Sydney bought fresh coffee in last 4 weeks, a bit higher than Melbourne (43%) and Hobart (38%) respectively. Nearly 35% of people living in Adelaide did the same thing, slightly more than Brisbane (34%).

  Additionally, in terms of those who bought instant coffee in last 4 weeks, figures of all five cities are higher than 45%, with Hobart accounting for the highest proportion at 54%, followed by Brisbane (53%), Adelaide (50%), Melbourne (48%) and Sydney (46%) in a decreasing order.

  More interestingly, as for people who went to a café for coffee or tea in last 4 weeks, proportions of 4 cities are more than a half, with Melbourne occupying the largest percentage at 64%, Hobart 63%, Sydney 61%, and Brisbane a little more than 55%. Meanwhile, the figure of Adelaide is a slightly lower than 50%.

  In summary, in 4 cities excluding Adelaide, the most popular habit is going to a café for coffee or tea since related figures are noticeably higher than the other two options. In the meantime, in Adelaide instant coffee is prevalent because almost half local people chose it during last 4 weeks. In contrast, purchasing fresh coffee is the last choice for people in all these 5 cities.



托福 雅思 SAT 预备课 学术课 美高学分 学业规划