

发布时间:2022-09-09 08:42:10浏览次数:27文章来源:培顿教育
导读:  雅思大作文思路解析:Lecture是否还有必要 前面为大家分享了思路分析,本文带来范文,大家可以参考学习下!更多雅思备考干货,可以

  雅思大作文思路解析:Lecture是否还有必要   前面为大家分享了思路分析,本文带来范文,大家可以参考学习下!更多雅思备考干货,可以关注培顿教育



  Lectures were used in the past as an old way of teaching a large number of students. As new technology is now available for education, some people suggest that there is no justification for lectures. To what extent do you agree or disagree?



  There is a commonplace assumption that the lecture-style academic setting is obsolete with the employment of new technology in education; however, I have to say it is a simplified claim due to the irrelevant connection between the two modes.

  At first glance, it is not difficult to understand why some people tend to negate the value of teacher-centered learning model in the modern educational landscape. For those who think in this way, they may point to legions of drawbacks of this old-fashioned instructional method, a key demerit being its didactic approach to teaching, where students are provided with the theoretical knowledge on a subject without being involved in the process of acquisition. New technology, by contrast, be it the Internet, documentaries, or computer games, allows students to actively engage in the learning process even without mentoring support – that explains why lecturing is discredited in the world dominated by technology.

  However, the key problem with the above statement resides in its lack of causal links between the premise and conclusion – those devotees of technological determinism are oblivious to the fact that the justification of instructor-based education does not hinge on the popularity of its modern counterpart; rather, whether the traditional model deserves a place in the educational scenery today is a momentous decision that needs to take into account many other determinants. Of particular importance is the disparate aptitudes of individual students: while those with strong self-learning capability tend to search answers from the Internet independently, there are others who have difficulty in self-learning without instructors’ help.

  From what has been discussed above, it is my conclusion that lecturing still deserve a place in the world dominated by new technology.



  Obsolete  过时的

  Didactic  说教的

  Acquisition  获得

  Mentor  教导

  Instructor  导师

  Aptitude  天资



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