

发布时间:2022-02-27 09:56:01浏览次数:392文章来源:培顿教育
导读:  雅思大作文7分范文整理:不喜欢的工作不如不工作 观点类大作文,工作类话题  Some people think that it is better for peo

  雅思大作文7分范文整理:不喜欢的工作不如不工作   观点类大作文,工作类话题

  Some people think that it is better for people to be unemployed than people to be employed but they do not enjoy. To what extent do you agree or disagree?




  The claim made by the topic fails to be persuasive because enjoyment is not the only thing one should care about when finding a job; I would argue in this essay how unreasonable it is to await jobs that only please a person without considering other contributing factors.

  Chances are the enjoyment in doing a job is more important than finding a job temporarily for people. It is true that sometimes one should wait for an enjoyable job if there is no better option, because the fulfillment sensed in a job is extremely essential to those ranking the working achievement and the working performance on the top of their lists. These high achievers can wait for a job that would definitely be performed better only when they really are satisfied about what they are doing, and then make great improvement for both the companies and their own career lifespan; once they cannot find their values in their jobs, they cannot make self-happiness and only see darkness in their foreseeable future. That, ergo, is a good reason for one to wait for a while for their perfect hunting coming along.

  But this type of waiting is highly restricted under such circumstances: they should firstly be self-esteemed that they are with the capability of finding their destinations anyway, where they are able to show their talents and witness their satisfaction; they secondly should also worry little about their physical life, in which the economic situation is good enough to give them a chance to maintain their waiting. That means, the unemployment until finding a true love of job only works when the potential practitioners have the preference and ability in certain occupations, and their realities are not that urgent to find a job to sustain their living. Those factors, together with the enjoyment of the jobs, jointly contribute to what kind of occupational condition one should choose—to omit those practical situations but just to wait for a lovely job is certainly not rational, but sometime, myopic.

  In conclusion, even though the unemployment is a good idea for some to consider this as a “gap period” until they find an enjoyable job, it is not always the proper choice for anyone without considering other determinants.



  Persuasive 有说服力的

  Temporarily 暂时的

  Fulfillment 成就感

  Foreseeable 可见的

  Ergo 因此

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