1.中国共产党 The Communist Party of China
2.红船精神 The spirit of the Red Boat
3.南昌起义 Nanchang Uprising
4.中国工农红军 Chinese Workers'and Peasants' Red Army
5.井冈山精神The Spirit of the First Revolutionary Base in the Jinggang Mountains
6.反“围剿”斗争 Counter-encirclement and -suppression campaign
7.长征精神 The spirit of the Long March
8.遵义会议 Zunyi Meeting
9《八一宣言》August First Declaration
10.陕甘革命根据地 Shaanxi-Gansu Revolutionary Base
11.会宁会师 The joining of Redtamy forces at Huining
12. 抗日民族统一战线 Chinese united front against Japanese aggression
13.中国人民抗日战争The Chinese People's War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression
14.敌后战场 Backstage battlefield
15《论持久战》 On Protracted War
16.南泥湾精神 The spirit of Nanniwan farming for self-reliance
17.“实事求是” Seek truth from facts
18.“全心全意为人民服务” Serve the people wholeheartedly
19.毛泽东思想 Mao Zedong Thought
20.红岩精神 The spirit of the revolutionaries at the Red crag