

发布时间:2021-09-24 09:54:03浏览次数:625文章来源:培顿教育
导读:  雅思大作文7分范文及解析:国际旅游造成文化冲突。这是一道观点类的话题,聊的是国际旅游带来的不同文化的人们之间的理解与冲突问题。

  雅思大作文7分范文及解析:国际旅游造成文化冲突。这是一道观点类的话题,聊的是国际旅游带来的不同文化的人们之间的理解与冲突问题。要注意的是,Rather than 的意思是国际旅游导致了相互的冲突而没有理解,因而要进行两方面分别论证。


  Nowadays, international tourism is the biggest industry in the world. Unfortunately, international tourism creates tension rather than understanding between people from different cultures. To what extent do you agree or disagree?











  The bigoted opinion that international tourism creates tension rather than understanding between people may be too subjective and without seeing past the truth behind the phenomenon.

  For those myopically linking the unfavored interconnectedness between people to the international traveling may fail to discover the real fact that is correlated to the emergence of tension. What really causes the tensioned interpersonal relationship between the locals and the foreign comers is the cultural or physical conflicts and the interruption of living, and they certainly do not source from the tourism itself. Indeed, to the local dwellers of the resorts, they feel more or less unhappy when seeing a throng of foreign travelers flocking to the place they are living in and over occupying infrastructures, public facilities and material resources, and they would be with anger when suddenly too much mismatching in terms of customs and concepts emerges between the two; that makes what the tension is, and once the traveling population increases, there are more possibilities to exacerbate the case.   Whereas all those mentioned situations actually happen anytime when there are people immigrating, and however reluctant one is to admit the truth, it is not the tourism that directly makes this happen, even though the industry does have an effect on increasing the number of people flowing into a place; to blame the strained relation on tourism sounds reckless.

  Understandings, conversely, are practically what the international tourism has largely brought about to both residents and voyagers. The essence of tourism and what people always do in tourist destinations contribute to this type of appreciation. For any appraisal of the outcome to happen, one must first verify whether the result is the terminal of the entire process and whether the process actually works. The basic goal of tourism to some extent is to make travelers deeply understand and experience the culture of their tourist resorts through visually and physically sensing the every subtle difference and shared details with their own living places; sets of related facts and data points together prove that consumers in this industry certainly have had a “bon voyage” and satisfied themselves with what they have experienced and achieved alongside their unusual routes. Then it is not surprising that hundreds of tourism-related movies narrate that the protagonists are less biased to some remote, desolated cultures once they have been put into those places, sometimes unintentionally, and may finally find the latter interesting and beloved.

  In conclusion, before scrutinizing whether some consequences are caused by a certain process, we must first look at what the realistic situation is and whether the possible outcomes are truly produced by it.



  Bigoted 偏执的

  Myopically 天真地

  Interconnectedness 联系

  Dweller 居民



托福 雅思 SAT 预备课 学术课 美高学分 学业规划