

发布时间:2021-09-13 11:18:50浏览次数:11文章来源:培顿教育
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  Some scientists believe that intelligent life forms may exist on other planets and some want to send messages to contact them. Others think it is a bad idea because these life forms may be too dangerous. Discuss both views and give your opinion.


  段落1:  转述题目,提出两种观点。

  For decades scientists have searched for proof of intelligent life forms on other planets. Some believe that we should try to contact them, whereas others believe it is too risky. This essay will discuss both views and offer my own opinion.




  Scientists have warned for many years that at some point Earth will become uninhabitable. Many believe intelligent life forms would have technology far beyond our human capabilities, which could offer us solutions to many of the issues we face today, such as global warming, over-population and dwindling natural resources. Furthermore, their technology may even show how life on other planets could be viable. Conversely, it is this same knowledge that could prove harmful to humans. Intelligent life forms could use their technology as weaponry against humans. Moreover, it is also important to acknowledge that we most likely would not share a common language, which could lead to catastrophic misunderstandings.


  段落 3:自己的观点


  In my opinion, though it is exciting to consider the existence of intelligent life forms elsewhere, it is more pertinent to consider the risks of such a venture. The human body is vulnerable, and contact with aliens could open us up to disease and infection that we do not have the capabilities to cure. Moreover, though humans may have good intentions, the civilisations we contact may not necessarily have our best interests in mind. We should bear in mind our own history of colonisation, and consider that it may be that we ourselves could be colonised or destroyed by aliens. Lastly, even if intelligent bodies do exist elsewhere, they may not wish to be contacted by humans.

  段落 4: 结论


  To discover life elsewhere would be a giant step in scientific advancement, but we need to consider whether it is the safest choice we can make.

  Key vocabulary

  1. proof   n. 证明    prove  v.

  2. whereas  conj. 然而  此处也可用while

  3. uninhabitable   adj. 不适宜居住的   词根:habitat

  4. beyond human capabilities  超出人类能力

  5. solution to  ……的解决方法    为固定搭配

  6. dwindling   adj. 减少的   dwindle  v. 减少

  7. viable   adj. 可行的

  8. conversely   adv. 相反地

  9. catastrophic   adj. 灾难性的,毁灭性的

  10. elsewhere   adv. 在别处

  11. pertinent   adj. 相关的,中肯的,切题的

  12. venture  n. 冒险旅行   同义词:adventure

  13. vulnerable   adj. 易受攻击的,易受伤害的

  14. infection   n. 感染   词根:infect     衍生词:infectious  adj. 有传染性的

  15. colonisation  n. 殖民    colony  殖民地

  16. giant   adj. 巨大的,伟大的    同义词:great

  17. advancement  n. 发展,进步  同义词:development







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