2. 听力训练中,如何准确且迅速的分析复杂句式?
3. 雅思Task1小作文,在有时间线的前提下可否仅仅描述图表本身而非通过时间线对图标进行逐个描述?
1. I’m facing difficulties in English writing. I don’t know how to organise it well and how to use my memorised sentences in my article.
· Memorising whole sentences is not very helpful because each sentence occurs in a specific context. Such sentences rarely make sense when used in different contexts. It’s better to learn expressions and phrases and adapt them to the context required.
· There is no one rule for organising your writing. Study a course book for academic writing, various types of essay writing, journalistic articles etc.They all require different organisation and style.
2. How can I understand complex sentences quickly and accurately when I hear them?
· Make yourself familiar with the whole range of complex sentence structures. Practise grammar exercises for transforming several simple sentences into a complex one.
· When you hear a complex sentence, make sure you recognise the right tense and identify subject and object. Distinguishing between main clause and subordinate clause easily is a fundamental requirement.
3. In a line chart of IELTS writing task 1, can we just describe the chart itself rather than describe the chart with its timeline?
如果在图表作文中仅分析图表本身,(除非图表本身没有标注时间等信息),通常情况下Task 1拿到的分数会较低。这是因为重要的信息内容没有体现在作文当中。
Task 1写作中需要涵盖以下三大内容:when.where和what。
· If you only describe the up and downs of a line you would score very low because some important information is missing. If there is a timeline you need to describe a development over time.
· Always cover 3 questions: when-where-what if information is given. Never write about why in task 1 .