

发布时间:2020-10-22 17:14:45浏览次数:277文章来源:培顿教育
导读:  雅思大作文高分范文——科技类来啦!各位同学了解一下吧,小编建议大家在备考的过程中,多看一些范文,积攒素材和高分表达,对于最终的



  Some groups of people have benefited from modern communication technology. However some think they do nol have any benefit from this. To what extent do you agree or disagree? (20170812)


  It is true that the way we communicate has been influenced by modem technology immensely and irreversibly. I totally disagree with the statement above, that the way we communicate does not benefit from advanced technology.

  Obviously, some people consider that those who reside in remote areas do not benefit from modern communication technology. Still, for one thing technology Can narrow the economic inequality gap in rural areas. For example, two decades ago, if we wanted to acquire advanced information, the only way was to go to school and leam. However, now we only need to browse the Internet from which we can directly acquire sophisticated information such as a Yale opening course, or many other courses that have been translated into numerous language which was previously unheard of. Furthermore, modern communication technology has helped armers sell their crops that were previously limited by poor methods of communication, and have Since seen a rise in their income.

  Moreover, those in their later years wonder whether the influence of modern communication on their daily activities is negligible. But, there are many reasons showing that for the elderly there are many benetits o the use of modern technology which cannot be gored. Initially, modem communication technology such as Facetime and Wechat can enable the elderly to communicate with their children who live overseas or in other areas. Also, smartphones can certainly provide opportunities for older people to make close friends with the same interests, such as chess, Peking opera, and literature lovers. Therefore, sophisticated technology has changed the lives of the elderly, and they have benefited greatly from it.

  In conclusion, we are living in an era of information explosion and no one can escape the influence of modern technology.




  此外,老年人想知道现代通信技术对他们日常活动的影响是否可以忽路不计。但是,有许多原因表明,对于老年人来说,使用不容忽视的现代技术有很多好处。首先, Facetime和微信等现代通信技术可以让老年人与生活在海外或其他地区的孩子进行交流。其次,智能手机能够给者年人提供结识有共同兴趣的朋友的机会,如国际象棋、京剧和文学爱好者。因此,先进的技术改变了老年人的生活,而且使他们从中受益匪浅。



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