

发布时间:2020-07-11 08:58:35浏览次数:554文章来源:培顿教育
导读:  雅思写作如何高效备考,2020年上半年其他考区出现的一道G类大作文题目是“政府发放失业补助对影响&是好是坏”。本文就和培顿教育小编一起来看看范文以及范文解析吧,希望对于你的雅




  In some countries, governments provide payments for unemployed people.

  How does this impact people?

  Is this a positive or negative development?

  范文:298 words,粗体为固定表达,下划线为话题词汇。

  In many nations, the government gives unemployment benefits to its citizens in need. This allows people to make ends meet during difficult times and is largely a positive development.



  解析:积累同义替换,some countries = many nations, payments = benefits, people = citizens. 这道题是2-part题型,构思压力最小,观点句只要直接回应两个写作任务即可,上述段落观点句先用This allows people to...回应了impact,然后用is largely a positive development同时回应了第二问。有些考生可能纠结于“第二问要不要好坏都说”,其实完全没必要,认为好就说好,认为坏就说坏,这样观点清晰、论述压力小。需要好坏都说的写作任务是“Discuss advantages and disadvantages”。

  The effect of unemployment payment is that struggling individuals and families are able tosurvive challenging periods. A good recent example of this would be the record unemployment rates in the wake of the 2020 Covid-19 pandemic. In the United States alone, millions of workers lost their jobs. Many families live paycheck to paycheck and withoutgovernment support they might lose their homes or struggle to put food on the table every day. Government money allowed them to persevere in a difficult period and use their time to look for a new job. Depending on the conditions of the payments, they can try to find a quality job rather than settling for the first position offered by a company trying to exploit the leverage of an historic jobless rate.


  解析:回应第一个写作任务。中心句预告全段;第二句和第三句举例解释中心句提出的“challenging periods”;第四句和第五句说明政府补助如何帮助个人和家庭度过难关(不至于没吃没住);第六句补充说明政府补助对失业人员的支持(进一步解释写作任务how impact)。文中使用了多种同义表达替换“政府补助”,应背记。

  This is largely a positive development because it has wide-reaching effects in society. Society benefits from lifting its most vulnerable citizens out of poverty. Without aid some individuals may turn to illegitimate means of supporting themselves. It is unlikely most would become criminals, but the greater effect would be economic. The unemployed cannot buy products and stimulate the consumer economy. The money the government hands out allows them to keep buying food, going shopping, and props up both large and small businesses. A good economy in turn increases the chances that businesses will begin hiring again and unemployment will decline.



  In conclusion, unemployment payments are a great boon for those without jobs and benefit the whole of society as well. It is important that unemployment agencies are well-run and strictly regulated to ensure continuance of the crucial social service they provide.




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