雅思小课堂|雅思口语词汇关于信件、日常生活话题——嗨,小伙伴们,接下来几天,我们会连续给大家带来按话题分布的雅思口语词汇精粹,供参考学习!更多雅思备考干货,请关注培顿 教育,需要雅思课程可以在线预约试听
Letters 信件
business letters 商务信函
personal letters 个人信函
postcards 明信片
love letters 情书
spam 垃圾邮件
an attachment 附件
to download 下载
a computer virus 电脑病毒
to keep in touch with someone 和某人保持联系
to hear from someone 收到某人的来信
Daily Routine 日常生活
usually(通常), always(总是), often(经常), frequently(常常,频繁地), sometimes(有时), rarely(很少地,罕有地), seldom(很少,不常), never(从未)
tired(疲劳的), tiring(累人的,引起疲劳的)
to take a break (休息一会儿)
to go online(上网)
to check my email (查看电子邮件)
in the evening(s)(在晚上)
in the afternoon(s) (在下午)
in the morning(s) (在早晨)
in the middle of the night (在半夜)
during the day (在白天)
during working hours(在上班时间)