
雅思口语词汇精粹——Law 法律

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  雅思口语词汇精粹——Law 法律,本文继续为大家分享雅思口语词汇,帮助大家积累相关内容!小编提醒大家,雅思口语备考,词汇是非常重要的,一定要重点关注!下面就和培顿 教育小编一起学习吧,希望对大家能够有所帮助!

  to commit a crime = to break the law (犯罪,违法)

  to disregard the law, to violate the law (藐视法律,犯法)

  to obey the law = to abide by the law( 遵守法律)

  a law-abiding citizen (奉公守法的市民)

雅思口语词汇精粹——Law 法律

  a crime = an infraction of the law = an offence (犯罪,违反法律)

  violent crime (暴力犯罪)

  economic crime (经济犯罪)

  a crime of passion (情杀罪,冲动犯罪)

  criminal negligence (过失犯罪)

  a ‘white collar crime’ (白领犯罪)

  a ‘victimless crime’ (无受害者犯罪)

  a criminal = a law breaker (罪犯,犯法的人)

  a juvenile delinquent (少年犯)

  be required by the law (依法的,法定的)

  against the law = illegal (违法的)

  within the law = legal, lawful (合法的,法律许可的)

  to ‘be above the law’ (凌驾于法律之上,不受法律限制)

  to ‘turn to crime’, to ‘be driven to crime’ (走上犯罪道路)

  organized crime (有组织的犯罪,集团犯罪)

  a criminal gang (犯罪集团,犯罪团伙)

  to prohibit (禁止,阻止)

  to ban (禁止,取缔)

  treason (叛逆,通敌)

  a felony (重罪)

  a misdemeanor (轻罪)

  murder (谋杀)

  manslaughter (杀人,过失杀人罪)

  assault (袭击)

  theft (a thief) 偷窃(小偷)

  robbery (a robber) 抢夺(强盗)

  burglary (a burglar) 夜盗行为(夜贼)

  rape (a rapist) 强奸(强奸犯)

  kidnapping (诱拐,绑架)

  fraud (欺诈)

  blackmail (勒索)

  bribery (行贿)

  graft (贪污,受贿)

  corruption (腐败,贪污)

  extortion 勒索,敲诈)

  slander (诽谤)

  to defame (诽谤)

  smuggling (走私)

  piracy (盗版)

  forgery (伪造)

  fake, counterfeit (伪造,假冒)

  drug trafficking (毒品走私)

  arson (纵火)

  insurance fraud (诈欺保险)

  bigamy (重婚罪)

  vandalism (故意毁坏文物的行为)

  gambling (赌博)

  a petty crime (轻度犯罪)

  a 'con man', a confidence trickster (骗子)

  a victim (受害者)

  compensation (补偿,赔偿)

  insider trading (内幕交易)

  prison = gaol (Br.) = jail (U.S. but also used in Britain and Australia) (监狱)

  punishment = a penalty (处罚)

  capital punishment = the death penalty (死刑)

  a sentence, to sentence, to pass sentence (宣判)

  a fine (罚款)

  a criminal record (前科,犯罪记录)

  a regulation, to regulate (规则)

  a harsh law, a harsh sentence (苛刻的法律,重判)

  a lenient sentence, a light sentence (轻判)

  to arrest someone (拘捕某人)

  innocent, guilty (清白的,有罪的)

  the police, the police force 警察部门,警察机关)

  a policeman, a policewoman, a police officer (U.S.) (警察,女警,警官)

  a police station, a police car, a police dog (警察局,警车,警犬)

  traffic police (交警)

  a detective (侦探)

  forensic science 司法科学)

  law enforcement, to enforce the law = to uphold the law (法律实施,执行法律)

  crime prevention (犯罪预防)

  a deterrence (制止,威慑)

  a crackdown on crime (对犯罪进行制裁)

  to combat crime, to fight crime (打击犯罪)

  to prosecute, to defend (起诉,辩护)

  to be convicted of a crime (宣告有罪)

  evidence, proof (证据)

  a witness (证人,目击者)

  a law court = a court of law (法院,法庭)

  a trial (审判)

  a judge (法官)

  a magistrate (地方法官,地方官员)

  a lawyer = an attorney (U.S.), a barrister (Br.), a solicitor (Br.) (律师)

  to practice law (从事法律工作)

  a law firm (律师事务所)

  a law suit, to sue somebody (提出诉讼)

  a license, a business license, a driver's license (执照,营业执照,驾照)

  to enact a law, to institute a law, to adopt a law (制定法律,采用法律)

  to annul a law, to repeal a law (废除法律)



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