

发布时间:2023-11-18 08:52:26浏览次数:28文章来源:培顿教育
导读:  雅思口语Part2 3高分话题素材:感兴趣的名人 本文为大家整理雅思口语可以用到的话题素材,供大家参考学习!更多雅思备考干货,请关注

   雅思口语Part2/3高分话题素材:感兴趣的名人   本文为大家整理雅思口语可以用到的话题素材,供大家参考学习!更多雅思备考干货,请关注培顿教育!


  Describe a famous person you are interested in. You should say:

  When did you know him/her  How did you know about him/her

  Something you know about him before he/she became famous And explain why you like him/her


  I’d like to talk about Kobe Bryant, who’s one of the greatest basketball players the world has ever seen. 2020 was a moment that’s going to be remembered by all basketball fans worldwide because Kobe died tragically in a helicopter crash with his 13-year-old daughter Gigi in 2020. I knew him almost ten years ago when I watched his games with my brother, who is also a big fan of him. Kobe had a successful career. In the past 20 years, he won 5 times NBA championships for the Lakers and more than a dozen MVP titles. His 81 point game will be remembered forever.

  Before Kobe became famous, he was in Italy with his family. Kobe’s father was a former NBA player and played in the Italian League. Though Kobe boasted good grades and high SAT scores, he decided to go straight to the NBA from high school.

  I like him because he was so talented, hardworking, and unstoppable. When Kobe was asked his secret for success, he answered, ‘Have you ever seen the sunrise at 4 in Los Angles? I see it every day.’He was my spiritual idol in high school. I put up his poster in my room and encouraged myself to study hard with his words.


  What kinds of famous people are there in your country?

  People who work in the film, sports and music industries become famous in my country. It's mainly because their job is in public and about to perform to others others' satisfaction. Many politicians and doctors in my country are also famous, especially those who appear in the media, often on television.

  What are the differences between famous people today and those in the past?

  In the past, celebrities generally did something that contributed to society or the public. However, nowadays, most famous people only have too much exposure to social media to get the masses' attention.

  Do you think famous people are necessarily to be good at their fields?

  I think celebrities must make achievements in their fields because they need not only to enjoy their rights and concerns as celebrities and but also set an example or young people and guide them from all walks of life.

  Do you think media are putting too much attention on famous people?

  I think so. The media in my country take a keen interest in famous people's professional and personal lives and keep holding interviews and all sorts of things with them. Sometimes all the privacy of those famous people is exposed to the public and I feel they are overdoing it.


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