
雅思口语P3话题素材| 感兴趣的书

发布时间:2023-11-15 09:22:25浏览次数:13文章来源:培顿教育
导读:  雅思口语P3话题素材| 感兴趣的书!下面则提供了答题的论点和素材。  观点积累  书籍类相关的题目,鸭先知总结了以下的分类和拓展

  雅思口语P3话题素材| 感兴趣的书!下面则提供了答题的论点和素材。







  science fiction 科幻小说

  detective fiction 侦探小说,推理小说

  Biography 人物传记

  romance novel 浪漫小说,言情小说

  historical novel 历史小说

  military, politics, and adventure 军事、政治和冒险

  economics and management and history经济、管理和历史


  imagine the picture of the plot 想象情节的画面

  movie version 电影版本

  scenes and stories 场景和故事

  as a supplement to the movie 作为电影的补充

  obscure books 晦涩难懂的书


  are not exactly the same 不完全一样

  tend to 倾向于

  must-read for boys 男孩必读

  social concepts of different genders 不同性别的社会观念

  based on 基于

  are ranked high on the list 排名靠前

  win the Nobel Prize 获得诺贝尔奖



  问:Do you prefer books or movies?

  I like reading books better than movies. Because following the words written by the author, I can imagine the plot of the picture by myself. This is a story picture that belongs to me alone, and at the same time it can exercise my imagination. However, the quality of the film is very dependent on the actors' acting skills, and it is difficult to show all the details.

  问:Do you think it is very important to read the book before watching the movie version of it?

  I think it is not important to read this book before watching the movie version. The movie will show most of the important scenes and stories in the book. If I really like this story, I will go back and read this book as a supplement to the movie. But for stories that I am not interested in, I think that movies may be more interesting without reading obscure books.

  问:Do boys and girls like the same kinds of books?

  I think that boys and girls do not necessarily like the same type of books. In fact, the types of books that everyone likes are not exactly the same. But bookstores tend to put books on military, politics, and adventure in the must-read for boys, and the books that girls like are more biased towards handicrafts, cooking and stories. I think this is related to social concepts of different genders.

  问:What kinds of books do Chinese people like reading?

  I sometimes choose books based on the kindle reading list. I think it represents the books that Chinese people like to read to a certain extent. Books on economics and management and history are ranked high on the list. In addition, detective novels are also a choice of many people. Every year, books by authors who have won the Nobel Prize are also welcomed by Chinese people.



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