

发布时间:2023-11-12 15:06:09浏览次数:33文章来源:培顿教育
导读:  雅思口语Part1是与非类题型答题方式,是与非这种类型的题型在雅思口语考试中是经常出现的,属于常考的题目,那么针对这样的考题,大家


  Examiner’s Questions(主考官提问)

  Question→ Yes/No(是与非的提问)

  1. Are you good at dancing?

  2. Do you think watching TV is better than reading a book?

  3. Will you celebrate if you pass the IELTS exam?

  4. Have you been living in your current house long?

  5. Are there any interesting places to visit in your hometown?

  6. Did you like high school?


  Student’s Answers(考生回答)

  Position → Say yes or no but in an alternative way (用不同的方式来表示yes或no)

  For “yes”: definitely, for sure, without a doubt, naturally, of course, indeed, certainly, I'm afraid so

  For “no”: not at all, no way, I'm afraid not, certainly not, not really, of course not, you must be kidding

  Support → A mix of strategies(综合论述)

  You must be kidding! I can't dance to save my life.One of my most harrowing experiences was the school formal when everyone took a turn in the spotlight dancing with their partner. I not only made a fool of myself but also embarrassed my partner when I accidentally pushed her over and we ended up in a rather compromising position. Generally speaking, you will never see me on a dance floor again, not in this lifetime anyway.

  Examiner’s Questions(主考官提问)

  Question→ Yes/No(是与非的提问)

  1. Are you good at dancing?

  2. Do you think watching TV is better than reading a book?

  3. Will you celebrate if you pass the IELTS exam?

  4. Have you been living in your current house long?

  5. Are there any interesting places to visit in your hometown?

  6. Did you like high school?  

  Student’s Answers(考生回答)

  Position → Say yes or no but in an alternative way (用不同的方式来表示yes或no)

  For “yes”: definitely, for sure, without a doubt, naturally, of course, indeed, certainly, I'm afraid so

  For “no”: not at all, no way, I'm afraid not, certainly not, not really, of course not, you must be kidding

  Support → A mix of strategies(综合论述)

  You must be kidding! I can't dance to save my life.One of my most harrowing experiences was the school formal when everyone took a turn in the spotlight dancing with their partner. I not only made a fool of myself but also embarrassed my partner when I accidentally pushed her over and we ended up in a rather compromising position. Generally speaking, you will never see me on a dance floor again, not in this lifetime anyway.


相关热词搜索: 雅思口语 雅思题目 雅思题


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