

发布时间:2022-09-13 08:44:53浏览次数:36文章来源:培顿教育
导读:  雅思口语高分素材分享!本期分享雅思口语Part2话题:早起的经历,希望这些对大家能够有所帮助!更多雅思口语素材,请持续关注培顿 教育

  雅思口语高分素材分享!本期分享雅思口语Part2话题:早起的经历,希望这些对大家能够有所帮助!更多雅思口语素材,请持续关注培顿 教育,如果你需要雅思口语方面的指导,也可以戳客服在线咨询!


  Describe a time when you got up early You should say:

  When it was What you did

  Why you got up early And how you felt about it

  I want to talk about on last weekend, I woke up at five o'clock for two days to verify a three-hour morning routine proposed by a video I saw on the social media, which says it can make people feel refreshed throughout the day. This procedure has twelve steps. After waking up, I first recalled what dream I had the night before, then I made up the bedding and drank a glass of warm water. After that, I meditated for 20 minutes, did push-ups for 2 minutes, and then took a cold shower to wake me up. While waiting for tea, I wrote a diary and made a to-do list for the day. I also made a to-feel list to tell myself what I should be gratitude during the day, for example, I should be thankful to the meals my parents would cook for me today. After drinking tea, I read a book for 20 minutes and made a smootie for breakfast. It was almost eight o'clock when these things were done, and I started a day of study. Since I was up and ready, I could study efficiently and attentively all morning.

  I think this morning routine has taken me a lot of time, but it is very helpful to develop a healthy living habit. For example, I know I am a morning person, the routine forces me to go to bed early and get up early to avoid staying up late. Besides, since reading is one of the steps, I have no excuses not to read and I have already read some good articles on last weekend. In addition, listing and having my schedule written down for the whole day before studying or working, I can ensure that I won’t miss anything. Since there are so many pros, I decided to follow this morning routine every weekend, and I also recommend others to try this if you are a morning person aswell.



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