
雅思口语新题答案:野生动物 Wild animals

发布时间:2022-09-04 10:16:09浏览次数:326文章来源:培顿教育
导读:  雅思口语新题答案:野生动物 Wild animals 本文为大家整理雅思口语可以用到的话题素材,供大家参考学习!更多雅思备考干货,请关

  雅思口语新题答案:野生动物 Wild animals       本文为大家整理雅思口语可以用到的话题素材,供大家参考学习!更多雅思备考干货,请关注培顿 教育!

  1) Do you like to watch TV programs about wild animals?

  2) Did you learn something about wild animals at school?

  3) Where can you see wild animals?

  4) In which country do you think you can see many wild animals?

雅思口语新题答案:野生动物 Wild animals

  1) In fact, I don't like watching wildlife on TV programs, and I prefer to go to the wildlife park and watch it personally. Sometimes I can even interact with the animals, which makes me feel more interesting and meaningful.

  2) I vaguely remember that when I was in kindergarten and primary school, I learned some knowledge about wild animals, such as the Siberian tigers belonged to protected animals, and also learned some things about the habitat of wild elephants etc., which made me have more awe of nature.

  3) Because we are living in the city, we can only go to the wildlife parks when we want to see wild animals. But sometimes when we go out on holiday, we can see wild monkeys or rabbits in the suburbs.

  4) In my opinion, China is the country that can see most wild animals. Because of its vast territory, excellent natural environment, China is suitable for many different kinds of wildlife to settle down.

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