

发布时间:2022-08-13 17:22:03浏览次数:7文章来源:培顿教育
导读:  关于雅思口语通关秘籍"之表达相同与否篇,你是否了解过呢?今天小编为大家带来由培顿 雅思老师亲自提笔的口语通关秘籍,希望可以帮助到大

  关于雅思口语“通关秘籍"之表达相同与否篇,你是否了解过呢?今天小编为大家带来由培顿 雅思老师亲自提笔的口语通关秘籍,希望可以帮助到大家!



  How is X different from Y?What are the differences/similarities between X and Y?How do you distinguish X from Y?



  X is totally different from Y.


  【例句】The way how I look at this issue is totally differentfrom theirs.

  X differs fromY in many aspects, but I think the biggest difference is…


  【例句】Abig city differs from a small place in many aspects, but I think the biggestdifference is people’slifestyle.

  There’re quite a few differences betweenX and Y.


  【例句】There’requite a few differences between the films that adults and children like towatch.

  The maindifference I can think of now is…


  【例句】Thereshould be a lot of differences between rural life and urban life. The maindifference I can think of now is the pace of life.

  The mostfundamental/significant/obvious difference is…


  【例句】Therecould be quite a lot of differences between modern dance and traditional dance.However, I think the most fundamental/obvious difference is dancers’ moves and postures.


  X is quitesimilar to Y.


  【例句】The city’sappearance is quite similar to that of my hometown.

  Xis as…asY.


  【例句】Sometimes, you will feel that her smile is as warm asthe morning sunshine.

  X and Y have alot in common.


  【例句】The reason why Nick and I can be good friends is thatwe have a lot in common.

  As I see it,there’s no big difference between X andY.


  【例句】As I see it, there’s no big difference between them.

  There’re a lot of similarities/commoncharacters between X and Y.


  【例句】There’rea lot of common characters between Chinese wedding and western wedding.



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