

发布时间:2022-02-15 08:38:00浏览次数:724文章来源:培顿教育
导读:  雅思口语8分素材|让我们用科学的学习方法来学习science!在这一部分,我们会按照词性分类:名词、动词和形容词部分,分别给出大家一些



  fascination 着迷,令人迷恋的事物

  buff 爱好者

  mysteries 神秘,难以理解之事

  foundation 基础,基本原理

  principles  行为准则,道德原则


  biotechnology 生物技术

  biotech enthusiasts 生物技术爱好者



  When did you start to learn about science?


  My fascination with space kept growing with age.


  Do you like science?


  I am not a big movie buff, but I never miss a movie on space.


  Space has endless mysteries, and there is so much we can learn from the study of space.


  stem from 源于

  arouse 唤起,影响

  fascinate 深深吸引,迷住

  be pumped up 非常兴奋

  take up 开始,从事,占据

  ascend 上升,攀登

  evolve 发展,进化


  Which science subject is interesting to you?


  The science subject that really fascinates me is biotechnology.


  It’s like a smaller version of the fire balloon and could ascend high into the air.


  When did you start to learn about science?


  I think my interest stems from my curiosity to learn more about the universe and the solar system.


  tangible 有形的,可感知的

  absorbing 十分有趣的

  sensitive 敏感的


  What is the most popular animal in China?


  I didn’t acquire tangible knowledge about science, but it aroused my interest a lot.


  Which science subject is interesting to you?


  There were a lot of absorbing experiments when I was in primary school.


  Dog’s sense of smell is more sensitive than humans’.

  # 完整参考答案 #

  问:Do you like science?

  Sure, I’m super interested in science cuz I think it lays a firm foundation for my further study and that I can always find answers in science. What’s more, science satisfies my curiosity towards the principles underlying various natural phenomena and helps me gain a deeper understanding of how the universe operates, like why we see the lightning before hearing the thunder; why the dog’s sense of smell is more sensitive than humans’, and why the eclipse of the sun happens.

  问:When did you start to learn about science?

  Hmm, it should be the first grade of my primary school. I found all the aspects of science fascinating, like physics, biology, chemistry, and astronomy, as these science subjects answer everyday questions about why things happen and how we evolved. Actually, I didn’t acquire tangible knowledge about science, but it aroused my interest a lot. You know, there were some absorbing experiments and everybody was pumped up when we were in science class every time.

  问:Which science subject is interesting to you?

  Ah, the science subject that really fascinates me is biotechnology. As with many biotech enthusiasts, my interest originated in childhood. I don’t remember the exact moment, but I do remember being very interested in biotechnology in third grade when I was about seven. It’s an exciting subject. I mean, it’s not only about the human body, but also provides a huge amount of information about plants and animals.

  问:What kinds of interesting things have you done with science?

  I’ve recently taken up a great interest in space, so I bought a professional telescope and I often observe different planets at night. Believe it or not, I can recite the names of the planets faster than anyone else in the class. I also made a sky lantern by myself. It’s like a smaller version of the fire balloon and could ascend high into the air, floating for quite a while. And...oh in it I put a piece of paper, on which I had written down several of my wishes, hoping they would come true one day.



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