
雅思口语P2有话说 | 今日宜搬迁,8分素材之搬新家/学校

发布时间:2022-01-27 14:14:22浏览次数:476文章来源:培顿教育
导读:  雅思口语P2有话说 | 今日宜搬迁,8分素材之搬新家 学校的经历,这道题难度并不大,但是很多同学在描述学校和新家的时候往往无话可说

  雅思口语P2有话说 | 今日宜搬迁,8分素材之搬新家/学校的经历,这道题难度并不大,但是很多同学在描述学校和新家的时候往往无话可说,表达的比较中式。同学们可以用缩小法来描述,顾名思义就是缩小到家的某一个你喜欢的角落,学校的某一个地方令你印象深刻。避免泛泛而谈,杂乱无章的叙述。


  I moved to my new neighborhood three months ago.

  I moved to a suburban area and I used to live in the city center.


  The reason why I moved to a new neighborhood is that the apartment building where I used to live looks very shabby and I can’t really bear the poor amenities in the old neighborhood. The elevators often run into some problems and the small garden in the neighborhood is full of rubbishes. I don’t know why my neighbors often throw their waste in the bushes instead of into the dustbin. What is even more annoying is that whenever I file a complaint to the homeowner's association, they take it lightly in a way that these problems don’t exist at all. That’s why I want to move to a new neighborhood, a place where neighbors are more community-minded. On the other hand, I move to the new neighborhood because the housing price is much lower than that in the city center, which means I can purchase a more spacious apartment at a lower price and at the same time I can save some money for my children’s education. Yeah, I can kill two birds with one stone. That‘s great, isn’t it?

  Well, I felt happy about that. Well, the environment in the new neighborhood is pretty good. I threw a housewarming party and I found my new neighbors are all very friendly and hospitable. That’s why I think I made the right decision.


  shabby 破旧的

  poor amenities 老旧的设施

  file a complaint 投诉

  community-minded 集体意识

  housewarming party 乔迁新居聚会

  hospitable 热情的



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