
雅思小课堂|雅思口语词汇关于Bags 包话题整理

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  雅思小课堂|雅思口语词汇关于Bags 包话题整理——嗨,小伙伴们,接下来几天,我们会连续给大家带来按话题分布的雅思口语词汇精粹,供参考学习!更多雅思备考干货,请关注培顿 教育,需要雅思课程可以在线预约试听


  Bags 包

  a handbag (The bag that most women carry.) (女士用的手提包)

  a purse (Usually a purse is a small bag that a woman uses to hold her money and she keeps it in her handbag when she is carrying her handbag. But sometimes, especially

  in American English, "a purse" is used to mean "a handbag".) (女士钱包)

  a shoulder bag (单肩包)

  a backpack (A "rucksack" and a "haversack" are words for a bigger type of backpack that people use when they are hiking and camping, although we also can call those bigger bags, "backpacks".) (双肩包)

  a book bag (A book bag can be a shoulder bag or a small backpack that school children use.) (书包)

  a briefcase (Carried by businesspeople and also by some older students.)(公文包)

  a laptop computer bag (Some people use this to carry things other than their laptop computer. Or some people always carry this with them wherever they go because they take their laptop computer with them everywhere. It can hold a few extra small things besides the laptop computer.) (笔记本电脑包)

  a shopping bag (A bag that is usually carried by a woman , especially an older woman, when she goes shopping.) (女士的购物包)


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