

发布时间:2021-12-15 13:01:16浏览次数:218文章来源:培顿教育
导读:  本文我们继续为大家分享雅思口语Part2高分素材:敬佩的商人,想要详细了解的同学赶紧看过来吧!更多雅思口语备考干货,请持续关注培顿

  本文我们继续为大家分享雅思口语Part2高分素材:敬佩的商人,想要详细了解的同学赶紧看过来吧!更多雅思口语备考干货,请持续关注培顿 教育,希望这些内容对于大家能够有所帮助!


  Describe a businessman that you admire You should say:

  Who this person is

  How you got to know this person What the business includes

  And explain what you know about the business


  Sarah Paiji Yoo is someone I admire. She built the Blueland brand in the US. She was worried about the amount of microplastics in the water she used to feed her child, and was eager to eliminate her reliance on disposable plastics as a new mother. I got to know this brand through an advertisement on Instagram, and I was very interested in it, so I searched for her stories on the official website.

  This is a business that sells hand soap, laundry detergent, bathroom cleaner, and more. Unlike other brands, their soaps are in the form of dry tablets and packaged with compostable paper-based wrappers or containers. When the customers start using it, just add water and dry tablets to the bottle, and they can get a bottle of common household detergent, which significantly reduce the waste of plastic bottles by reusing the bottles again and again. Environmental problems are getting more and more serious, especially the toxic effects of plastics. We are eating and drinking plastic because the raw materials contain microplastics. Since plastic may be accidentally eaten into the stomach by wild animals and cannot be digested, it can endanger their lives. In addition, the ocean is being polluted because most of the plastic waste is dumped in the ocean because it cannot bedegraded.

  I think this business idea is great, and this is the trend of an advanced business idea. It is not only environmentally friendly, but also saves money. When they produce and transport products, they reduce the risk of damage to the packaging, while also reducing the volume and weight of the packaging. The Blueland only sell to customers the core of the product, and the customers get a sense of accomplishment in participating in environmental protection without reducing their sense of use.



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