

发布时间:2021-12-15 13:01:16浏览次数:45文章来源:培顿教育
导读:  雅思口语话题解析,关于一个赢得的奖项,看专业的雅思8分素材怎么说?  01、Part2话题  Describe a time when you won a pri



  Describe a time when you won a prize.

  You should say:

  What the prize was

  When and where you have won it

  What did you do to win it

  And explain how you felt about winning



  ✧ 这是一道物品类题目,是本季度的新题目卡。

  ✧ prize指的是比赛类得奖(区分一二三名的那种),而不是评选的荣誉类award. 所以这道题其实就是2018年的老题 a competition you want to attend的改版,关键是要先提出哪个比赛,然后有什么奖项,如何获得优胜。思路上,可以如下展开。其中在第三点上,只需要择一即可,不需要全说。

  ✧ 题目分解:第一问:what it is 什么奖?此处可以讲一讲奖品设置和比赛项目

  ✧第二问:when you know the prize 如何得知该奖?此处可以讲一讲了解到该奖项的途径和时间。

  ✧第三问:what you need to do 如何得奖?此处可以分析得奖的要素(该比赛优胜者的特征),以及你打算如何准备。

  ✧第四问:explain why you would like to win it为何想要获奖? 此时可以讲一讲你的动机,一般而言,人们想要得奖的动机如下:

  a) 个人学业/职业发展(look good on CV, 便于找工作、升职等)

  b) 弥补遗憾(曾参加过但没有得奖)

  c) 需要奖品/奖金



  I’d like to talk about a time when I won a marathon race. It was about three years ago, and I had decided that even though I had no experience in the running, I would attempt to train for it in eight months. It was a huge challenge for a new hand, but I dedicated myself to it, running almost every day.

  The competition was held at my university. I invited my family and friends to cheer me up. It was a Sunday. Though the weather was cold, that my hands went numb waiting to start running. The sunrise was warm and friendly, and I felt excited and emotional. I can’t describe how I felt seeing the finish line materialize on the horizon. That was truly the hardest thing I’d ever accomplished.

  When it comes to what I did to win it, well, it is not that easy. When the day of the marathon arrived, I still wasn’t sure if I could finish it. I had gotten injured at some point, and my training had really declined, but I still wanted to give it my best shot. For me, on a personal level, just finishing the marathon would be a tremendous victory.

  Winning a prize is enjoying. I got a medal at the end and felt proud of myself. My family members and my friends were also happy with my success. However, to be frank, I was in a lot of pain for about a week as my feet and legs recovered from the exertion.


  -new hand 新手;新人

  -attempt to 尝试、试图

  -dedicate oneself to sth/ to doing sth 把…奉献给

  -materialize 突然显现;神奇地出现

  -give my best shot 尽最大努力

  -on a personal level 从个人角度来说

  -a tremendous victory 巨大的胜利



托福 雅思 SAT 预备课 学术课 美高学分 学业规划