

发布时间:2021-10-03 12:02:26浏览次数:707文章来源:培顿教育
导读:  雅思口语Part3最新话题8分素材:敬佩的商人 关于这个话题,如果你碰到了,会如何回答呢?本文为大家分享一些P3高分素材,供参考!更多

  雅思口语Part3最新话题8分素材:敬佩的商人  关于这个话题,如果你碰到了,会如何回答呢?本文为大家分享一些P3高分素材,供参考!更多雅思备考干货,请关注培顿 教育!在线即可预约雅思免费试听课


  P3 敬佩的商人 

  # What do you think is the retirement age for men and women?

  In our country people generally retire at the age of 60 but nowadays the trend is changing and people are thinking about retiring early.They want to work hard when they are young and earn more money so that they can retire by the age of 50 and fulfill their dreams such as traveling the world.

  # What kinds of qualities do people need to run their own business?

  Essential business skills. Financial management. Being able to effectively manage your finances is critical. Marketing, sales and customer service. ..Communication and negotiation. .Leadership. Project management and planning. Delegation and time management. Problem solving.

  # What do you think are the key factors that con- tribute to the success of a business?

  The 8 Factors of Business Success: A Plan. Having a plan is the first necessity for success. ...Perseverance. ... Understanding that success or failure is not permanent. ...

  Shared belief and a team spirit. ..Motivation. ..Clear vision of what success is. ...Maximise resources available. ..Clear understanding of time, money and resources.

  # lf you had the opportunity to have your own business, what business would it be?Why?I think this is a very interesting question,if given a chance;I will like to do something in the education sector probably related to only because I feel there is a lot of opportunity in this field.Moreover the current institutes do not provide quality coaching to the students that’s why lot of students fail to clear the exam in single attempt.


  to run your own business:经营自己的企业

  Make great contributions :做出巨大贡献

  Be well-known for :以..而闻名

  to draw up a business plan :起草一份商业计划书

  Seek common ground while reserving differences :求同存异

  be extremely cruel and merciless :心狠手辣

  to launch a product(to start selling and promoting a new product ):发布产品(开始销售和推广新产品)

  更多雅思备考干货,请关注培顿 教育!在线即可预约雅思免费试听课



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