

发布时间:2021-10-01 13:42:46浏览次数:1147文章来源:培顿教育
导读:  雅思口语Part2范文解析:给别人提建议!口语尽快达标的唯一途径就是充分准备当季题库。因为运气不是自己可以把握的东西。不充分准备,












  以下P2素材范例来自ieltspodcast 包括语法、连接方式、话题词汇,大家可结合自己的基础、目标以及语言习惯积累更多。

  Describe a time when you gave advice to others. You should say:

  - who you gave advice to

  - what the advice was

  - why you gave this advice

  - and explain how you felt about the advice

  I would like to talk about an experience I had when I was at university. When I was a student, I had a part-time job at a local florist’s shop. The customers who came into the shop would often ask me for advice. At first, I was quite hesitant about making suggestions - I’m not exactly sure why. Partly I guess because I was only 19, but also because I didn’t feel very sure of myself - I was certainly no expert.

  However, I quickly came to realise that most of my customers really didn’t have a clue about flowers! Soon I was giving tips about everything – from which types of flowers to choose at different times of year - so daffodils and tulips in the spring - or to how to put different colour schemes together. I was even making recommendations about which flowers or arrangements might be more suitable for different recipients or occasions.

  On top of that, I started explaining how to look after cut flowers once you’ve bought them. I was shocked to find that most people didn’t know that they should cut the stems at an angle to make the flowers last longer for example – or add a couple of teaspoons of sugar to the water. I thought everyone knew that!

  Once I got the hang of it, I loved giving advice to the customers. They were very appreciative, and they used to come back into the shop to tell me how much their mother or girlfriend – or husband or boyfriend – had liked the flowers, and to thank me for my help. I hadn’t expected a job in a flower shop to be so rewarding!

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