雅思口语考试要怎样避免尬聊?我们都知道雅思口语part 1是一个相对简单的聊天过程,就像两个新认识的朋友,相互之间聊一聊天气,聊一聊自己的兴趣爱好,聊一聊家庭等等。但是在实际的考试过程中,还是有很多的同学处在尬聊的状态,那么如何解决呢?今天教大家三个简单易学的方法~
例如刚才这个例子:A:你去过培顿 影城吗?B:没有诶。因为现在刚开业人太多了,我不想去凑热闹。不过我对哈利波特主题还是挺感兴趣的,之后过了这段时间我就要准备去看看!
二、聊聊自己的经历和感受(personal experience)
A:你去过培顿 影城吗?B:没有诶。不过我之前去过迪士尼,我感觉这些游乐场都差不多呀,大家过去都是去拍照的,和玩关系不大。
三、5w1h法(who when where what why how)
A:你去过培顿 影城吗?B:当然,在美国读书怎么能不去培顿 影城玩一圈。我大学时候(when)和朋友(who)一起去的,那个地方还挺偏的(where),我们当时是想去拍照来着(why),最后玩得太累了根本没有力气拍。
【例1】Have you ever lived in the countryside?
I didn’t live in the countryside for a long time, but I usually spent my summer holiday in the countryside in my primary school(when) because(why) my grandparents lived there. In my memory(personal experience), the life there was interesting. I had peers to play together and my grandparents cooked yummy dishes. Most importantly, I didn’t have to do homework that time.
【例2】Will you live in the countryside in the future?
I don’t think so, because(why) I have lived in city for almost 20 years, and I have been used to living in cities. This means it is very inconvenient for me to live in the countryside. My company, my friends and my parents are all in the city, I will feel lonely (personal experience)if l go to the countryside.