
雅思口语Part1变题季高频考题-Environmental protection (环境保护)

发布时间:2021-09-19 15:20:00浏览次数:81文章来源:培顿教育
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  雅思口语Part1变题季高频考题-Environmental protection (环境保护)   每年9月,各位烤鸭们都会迎来变题季,你们准备好接受新题了吗?下面小编会为大家分享雅思口语常考高频题目,大家记得要提前准备哦!更多雅思备考干货,请关注培顿 教育

雅思口语Part1变题季高频考题-Environmental protection (环境保护)

  Environmental protection (环境保护)

  1. Would you like to work in a company related to environmental protection?

  Probably, if they offer me a promising position and a decent salary in this company. Now that I've just entered the workforce, my main focus is on earning sufficient disposable income to better the quality of life and improving my career prospect. Plus, serving the cause of environmental protection instills value in my career and enables me to develop a positive view of my life.

  2. How can we protect the environment?

  Well, I believe we can start with some small things in everyday life, like reducing the consumption of disposable products and non-biodegradable consumer goods, such as plastic bags and bottles. Besides, classifying the garbage before disposal is also an effective way to safe gu ard the natural environment and preserve natural resources. The seemingly insignificant things we do in our daily life can make a huge difference to the environment.

  3. Do you think you've done enough to protect the environment?

  Well, I wish I could say yes, but the truth is I kind of lack enviromnental awareness and barely act on it even though I realize the importance of protecting the enviromnent. Perhaps it has something to do with a lack of knowledge of enviromnental protection.

  4. ls there education about environmental protection at school?

  Certainly, our government has attached great importance to environmental protection and launched awareness-raising campaigns regularly, and the school seems to be a perfect place to start with. By imparting knowledge of environmental protection at school, it can help students develop envirorunental awareness at an early age and contribute positively when they come of age.

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