

发布时间:2021-09-15 10:27:51浏览次数:216文章来源:培顿教育
导读:  2021年5-8月雅思口语素材Part3地点类话题【想生活的城市】,对于雅思口语备考,我们必须要多多积累素材,这对于我们提升雅思口语是非常


  1.Why do more and more people live in the city?

  People have always flocked towards cities. The promise of employment and the potential to make something of yourself tempts people away from the security or alternatively, lack thereof, that rural areas offer. This trend continues, cities still offer more opportunities than the countryside.

  flocked 聚集

  alternatively 要不然

  lack thereof 缺乏

  This trend continues 趋势依旧


  2.How does this affect the environment and nature?

  This has a huge impact on nature as people transform the environment to build apartments, roads and services. In general, the impact of people on the environment is quite negative. Native flora and fauna gets removed to make way for it all.

  transform 转变

  flora and fauna 动植物

  3.What are some factors that attract people to settle down in certain places?

  People are attracted to cities because of the infrastructure and economical security, Cities promise people, nightlife and experiences as well as the ability to make it big. Alternatively, people shift to the countryside for a quieter pace of life. People are often attracted to a certain place by the jobs on offer, opportunities and lifestyle.

  infrastructure 基础设施

  economical security 经济安全

  make it big 功成名就

  4.What are the differences of the young and old when choosing where to live?

  When it comes down to age, younger people are more inclined to move to the city as they have the energy to begin a new and see where life takes them! Younger people are often also more socially motivated and the city offers a multitude of people from different walks of life. Older people tend to prefer a quieter pace and drift rurally. If there are enough services to live a healthy and simple life then the older population is satisfied, for them the hustle and bustle of the city can be overwhelming and not enjoyable.

  inclined 倾向于

  see where life takes them 看看生活把他们带到哪里

  socially motivated 社会驱动的

  a multitude of 大量的

  different walks of life 各行各业

  hustle and bustle 忙碌

  overwhelming 难以对付的




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