
雅思口语 Part 3高分素材积累:社交媒体趣事

发布时间:2021-09-13 11:18:21浏览次数:40文章来源:培顿教育
导读:  雅思口语 Part 3高分素材积累:社交媒体趣事,雅思口语提升0 5-1分是很不容易的,雅思口语想要提升需要长时间的积累和练习,因此平时

  雅思口语 Part 3高分素材积累:社交媒体趣事,雅思口语提升0.5-1分是很不容易的,雅思口语想要提升需要长时间的积累和练习,因此平时的口语素材积累是很有必要的。为了帮助大家备考雅思口语,小编在这里给大家分享一些雅思口语 Part 3高分素材积累,供大家参考,希望可以对大家有帮助。


雅思口语 Part 3高分素材积累:社交媒体趣事


  P3 社交媒体趣事

  Why do people like to use social media?        As per my opinion, the primary reason why individuals use the services of social media is to remain in contact with their near and dear ones. The other prominent reason is to keep themselves updated with the current news and happenings across the globe. Apart from this, social media is a reliable medium to spend leisure time.

  What kinds of things are popular on social media?        Numerous things are famous on social media. However, the most prominent activity is to upload photographs and videos. Moreover, individuals update the current news and happenings they find worthwhile to share. These days, corporates too have realized the importance of using the services of social media. They advertise their products and services to improve brand awareness.

  What are the advantages and disadvantages of using social media?        The primary plus point of utilizing the services of social media is that through it, it is comfortable to find information, give details and converse. Moreover, it allows us to widen our friend circle and remain in touch with our near and dear ones in an easy manner. On the contrary, the major pitfall is that our privacy gets compromised, and we often get fake information. There are numerous examples where individuals have used social media in an imprudent manner to propagate wrong information. For instance, the recent fake information on Covid Virus led to mass hysteria among people.

  What do you think of making friends on social network?        Making friends through the medium of social media is not at all a worthwhile proposition because it’s extremely comfortable for individuals to create a fake identity on this platform.


  kill time 打发时间

  blogger 博主

  traffic 流量

  WeChat public account 微信公众号

  exaggeration 夸张

  stimulate 促进,激发

  buzzword 网络流行语

  trend 一夜爆红

  以上就是今天小编给大家介绍的有关雅思口语 Part 3高分素材积累:社交媒体趣事的全部内容,希望可以对大家备考雅思口语有帮助。如果你对你的口语没有太大的把握,培顿 雅思一对一口语,有专业的老师帮助你纠正发音,帮助你提升你的口语。关注培顿 教育,培顿 教育暑期雅思班正在报名中,有课程需要的同学可以咨询在线客服了解课程详情。

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