
雅思口语 Part 2高分素材积累:社交媒体趣事

发布时间:2021-09-13 11:18:21浏览次数:18文章来源:培顿教育
导读:  雅思口语 Part 2高分素材积累:社交媒体趣事,雅思口语想要提升需要长时间的积累和练习,因此平时的口语素材积累是很有必要的。雅思

  雅思口语 Part 2高分素材积累:社交媒体趣事,雅思口语想要提升需要长时间的积累和练习,因此平时的口语素材积累是很有必要的。雅思口语提升0.5-1分是很不容易的,为了帮助大家备考雅思口语,小编在这里给大家分享一些雅思口语 Part 2高分素材积累,供大家参考,希望可以对大家有帮助。


  Part2 话题

  Describe a time you saw something interesting on social media

  You should say:

  When it was

  Where you saw it

  What you saw

  And explain why you think it was interesting



  When it was ?


  Where you saw it ?


  What you saw ?


  And explain why you think it was interesting ?


  In this contemporary epoch, social media has become an indispensable part of our lives.

  Although social media has a boatload of time wastage content, some of the information posted is interesting.

  Last year I watched an interesting video on a social networking website by the name of Instagram. The video was regarding health and fitness. As far as fitness and well-being are concerned, most of the experts give the same kind of information. That is to do regular physical workout, join a gym or dance classes. In short, burn whatever you eat. Since time immemorial, people have been following such advice without much benefit. However, the information provided in this video was interesting. According to the presenter of the video Dr Black the contribution of exercise to weight loss is just 20 per cent. According to her, to lose weight, people have to work on their diet. By taking all meals between 7 am to 7 pm people can maintain a good weight. The information provided in the video was interesting for me because it led to a paradigm shift in my life. Since the information provided was new for me and I had tried all other options. I decided to follow the footsteps of Dr Black.Not only I lost weight, but I became more energetic. So this video which was beyond the conventional domain was a life changer for me. These days whenever I meet someone struggling to lose weight. I forward the link to this video to that person. So that he/she can also change his/her life.

  以上就是今天小编给大家介绍的有关雅思口语 Part 2高分素材积累:社交媒体趣事的全部内容,希望可以对大家备考雅思口语有帮助。关注培顿 教育,培顿 教育暑期雅思班正在报名中,有课程需要的同学可以咨询在线客服了解课程详情。

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