

发布时间:2021-09-08 13:04:55浏览次数:356文章来源:培顿教育
导读:  雅思口语Part3人物类话题高分素材继续分享,这里我们继续为大家分享雅思口语相关素材,本文涉及到的雅思口语话题是:最喜欢的歌手或演


  1. What kind of music do people like at different ages?

  The music that people like varies hugely. While you could say it depends on age, I think it is more dependent on mood and emotional state. For the more emotionally tumultuous years as a teenager, perhaps angry, rebellious music or sad angsty music resonates more. For older people they may like music that reminds them of their youth or happy memories.

  •     varies 多样

  •     emotional state 情绪的状态

  •     tumultuous 骚动的

  •     rebellious 反叛性的

  •     angsty 忧虑的

  •     resonates 共鸣,共振


  2. What kind of music is popular in China now and what kind will be in the future?

  In China at the moment pop music like K-pop or J-pop is popular. On this basis it is hard to know what will be popular in the future, but currently peppy, energetic tunes from other Asian countries are in the limelight and have set a trend.

  •     On this basis 基于此

  •     peppy 活泼的

  •     in the limelight 引人注目

  3.Do Chinese parents require their children to learn to play musical instruments?

  Many Chinese parents require their children to learn an instrument as it encourages brain development and intelligence. While this is common in the west too, it is often seen as a hobby. This means that often children will stop learning when it becomes harder. Those that turn it into a career often do so because they love it.

  •     brain development 大脑发育

  •     intelligence 智力

  •     a career 职业生涯

  4.Why do some people like to listen to live music while others prefer CDs?

  Live music is completely different to the experience of CDs. With CDs the performance is consistent and it can be enjoyed at home, it is more personal. Live music is an event, social and immersive and can be very exciting. I think that both are important, they are just a very different musical experience and people often will prefer one over the other.

  •     completely 完全地

  •     consistent 持续不断的

  •     personal 个人的

  •     immersive 沉浸式的

  •     musical experience 音乐经历



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