

发布时间:2021-09-05 08:21:35浏览次数:600文章来源:培顿教育
导读:  快餐店相关的话题曾经也是考频很高的一个雅思口语话题,虽然不在本季题库中,但是没准儿9月以后就考到了,我们提前来预习一下吧~更多雅

  快餐店相关的话题曾经也是考频很高的一个雅思口语话题,虽然不在本季题库中,但是没准儿9月以后就考到了,我们提前来预习一下吧~更多雅思口语备考,请持续关注培顿 教育,我们会为大家更新更多备考干货!如果你需要专业的雅思口语指导,戳客服即可在线咨询!


  1.What kinds of fast food have you tried?

  I have tried quite a few including fired chicken, hamburgers, fries,onion rings and so on. Honestly speaking, I have never really likedfast food because it’s not healthy and it’s not very tasty.

  2.Do you ever use a microwave to cook food quickly?

  Sure, I often use a microwave to roast sweer potatoes. They tastebetter compared with cooking in an oven. I don’t why but I like toeat sweet potatoes in this way.

  3.How popular are fast food restaurants where you live?

  It’s extremely popular. Sometimes when I walk past a fast-foodrestaurant, I would be amazed by the amount of people eating there.Why do so many people like eating hamburgers? It’s really a veryinteresting phenomenon.

  4.When would you go to a fast-food restaurant?

  When there’s nothing else that I want to eat and also when I feellike eating the egg tarts in KFC, I would go and enjoy a happy timealone. If I were caught eating so much sweet food by my mum, shewould not be happy.



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