
雅思口语Part1新题:Barbecue (烧烤)

发布时间:2021-09-04 09:19:13浏览次数:315文章来源:培顿教育
导读:  雅思口语Part1新题:Barbecue (烧烤),说到这个话题,大家应该有不少想说的内容,在这个表达的过程中可以结合我们的实际经历进行描述

  雅思口语Part1新题:Barbecue (烧烤),说到这个话题,大家应该有不少想说的内容,在这个表达的过程中可以结合我们的实际经历进行描述!更多雅思口语备考攻略,请持续关注培顿 教育!如果你需要专业的雅思口语辅导,戳客服即可在线咨询!

  1. Did you have barbecue when you were a child?

  2. Do Chinese people like barbecue?

  3. What kind of food do you like to eat for barbecue?

  4. Would you like to have barbecue with your family or your friends?


  Charcoal grill木炭烤架

  Electric grill电烤架

  Gas grill燃气烤架

  Grilled food烧烤食品

  Be packed with customers挤满了顾客



  Be well-cooked熟透

  Have appetites有食欲




雅思口语Part1新题:Barbecue (烧烤)


  1. Did you have barbecue when you were a child?

  Yeah every now and then. My mother is a huge fan of barbecue so when I was a little boy, I got to eat grilled food from time to time. I guess that has unexpectedly aroused my interest in this kind of food.

  2. Do Chinese people like barbecue?

  Yeah I guess so. We have a lot of barbecue places all across the country and they are often packed with customers, especially in the evening or on weekends. Sometimes, if you want to get a table, you'll even have to book it in advance.

  3. What kind of food do you like to eat for barbecue?

  All types of meat, to be honest. Be it pork, beef, or chicken, I love them all. I don't really have a favorite because for me, everything tastes better when it's barbecued.

  4. Would you like to have barbecue with your family or your friends?

  I would say l prefer to have it with my friends. It seems more fun and more comfortable to me. We can eat as much food as we want because all of us have healthy appetites. In addition, I tend to have more stories to catch up on when I'm with them.



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