
雅思口语Part 2丨童年喜爱的玩具

发布时间:2021-09-03 13:47:31浏览次数:1060文章来源:培顿教育
导读:  本文我们为大家分享本季的雅思口语考题 Part 3 中关于童年的话题,描述一件你童年喜爱的玩具。废话不多说,咱们来看看怎么准备这道

 本文我们为大家分享本季的雅思口语考题 Part 3 中关于童年的话题,描述一件你童年喜爱的玩具。废话不多说,咱们来看看怎么准备这道题吧。希望本文的内容能够帮助大家积累更多的雅思口语素材,帮助各位更好的提升雅思口语成绩!

  Describe a toy you liked in your childhood.

  You should say:What kind of toy it is When you received it How you played itAnd how you felt about it

  1. 这道题是一个物品的话题, 是上一季留下来的老题, 其实这道题的难度系数不是很高,但是老师发现很多同学在备考中感觉无从下手。很大程度上是因为不知道如何丰富地描述那个玩具,玩儿法以及感受。很多同学说不到一分钟就不知道说什么了,所以这也就是分数不高的原因。

  2. 题目分解:第二题 “When you received it” , 属于基本的背景介绍, 不需要浓墨重彩, 一句话带过即可。也可以多加一点背景信息, 比如在什么场合下,什么特殊节日里收到的或购买的这个玩具。

  3. 第一题 “What kind of toy it is” 和第三题 “How you played it” 其实是你应该描述的重点,要对玩具的外部样式,内部结构,功能使用做细节性的描述。如果细节比较多, 要记得几个细节之间连接词的使用,这样会显得内容更加有层次感。

  4. 第四题是 “how you felt about it”,即最常见的”个人感受”。同学可以从玩具本身的使用感受上来出发,也可以讲一讲这件玩具是不是给你带了一些情感价值(Sentimental Value)。注意这个问题的时长, 考验学生做总结的能力, 不需要过多陈述控制在 30 秒之内即可。

  Describe a toy you liked in your childhood.

  You should say:

  What kind of toy it is (描述重点)

  When you received it (背景信息)

  How you played it(描述重点)

  And how you felt about it (个人感受)

雅思口语Part 2丨童年喜爱的玩具


  Well, after a bit of thought, I've decided to talk about a Transformers toy, which was given by my parents on my 7th birthday. I have to say it was a really special birthday gift. When I opened the gift box, I was surprised by what I was seeing in front of me. It was a terrific Transformers toy that I had dreamed about for ages. The moment I saw that one, I fell in love with it.



  It was about 30cm tall and very heavy, probably more than 5kg, since it was made of steel. Oh, I should mention that the color of the toy was silver, which was definitely my cup of tea.

  It could be shifted from a car to robot action figure, and I could operate it with a small remote control. The most impressive feature was that the Transformers toy could record my voice and replay it. You know, every time when I press the button on its chest, it says “One shall stand, one shall fall !”. Actually, I don’t know how much it was, but I guess, it must have cost them an arm and a leg.


  它可以从一辆汽车变成机器人的形状,我可以用一个小遥控器来控制它。最令人印象深刻的是,变形金刚可以录下我的声音并回放。每次我按下它胸口的按钮,它都会说出那句经典的“不是你死,就是我亡!” 。其实我也不知道这个当时花了他们多少钱,不过我猜一定不便宜。


  You know, I brought it to my school next day and showed it off to all of my classmates. I still remember the jealous look on their faces. It was basically with me 24/7, cuz I loved it so much that I even didn’t like to share it with my friends.

  Even today, I still keep this toy. It has been over ten years since I got it. It always reminds me of those beautiful memories in my childhood, so I love it not only because of the toy itself, but also the sentimental value attached to me, which is irreplaceable. You know, it's no secret that boys love their toys, and the Transformers are probably one of the favorites on the list.





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