
雅思口语 Part 3解析丨购物相关

发布时间:2021-09-03 13:47:31浏览次数:120文章来源:培顿教育
导读:  今天给大家带来的是雅思口语Part3 中有关购物相关的问题,同学们切记不要死记硬背生搬硬套,要结合自己的想法发表个性化的见解。希望

  今天给大家带来的是雅思口语Part3 中有关购物相关的问题,同学们切记不要死记硬背生搬硬套,要结合自己的想法发表个性化的见解。希望下面的内容对于大家的备考能够有所帮助!更多雅思备考资料,请持续关注培顿 教育!

  How often do people in your country go shopping?

  That really depends. Generally women go shopping more frequently than men do. They go shopping with their friends on weekends and go online shopping nearly everyday. It seems that shopping is women’s nature. You know, even window shopping can make their day.However, most guys basically only go shopping on weekends, and you may often see them carrying bags, playing cellphones, and waiting at the store while their female friends or family are shopping.

  Additionally, for those people who have stronger financial capability or stable income, they tend to go shopping more often than those who are in short budget. Actually they can go shopping whenever they want since they have enough money and time.




雅思口语 Part 3解析丨购物相关

  How should sellers set prices for their products?

  Generally the prices shall be determined by the market itself, which means the aggregate demand and aggregate supply. That applies when sellers offer homogenous products and competition is quite fierce in the market. If they sell unique or customized products that very few competitors could offer, it will put them in a monopolistic position, they may be able to charge a higher price for their products to realize handsome profit. So it’s better for sellers to carefully investigate the market first then set a reasonable price for their products.对于那些提供同质产品的卖家,市场竞争相当激烈,一般来说价格都是由市场本身决定的,也就是市场的总需求和总供给。但如果他们销售独特的或定制的产品,很少有竞争对手可以匹敌,这会使他们处于垄断地位,从而为他们的产品收取更高的价格实现可观的利润。所以卖家们最好先仔细做好市场调研,然后为他们的产品设定一个合理的价格。

  Why is online shopping popular?

  Well, the first advantage is that customers can search for exactly what they want on the internet, cuz there are more choices for them. Another benefit that online shopping offers is that people can receive home delivery, which is really convenient and time saving.And I guess the most important merit is that customers can compare prices and reviews of products online, and place an order right away without waiting a long queue in front of physical stores.第一个优势是顾客可以在网上搜索他们想要的各种东西,因为网上有更多的选择。另一个好处是商家都会直接送货上门,这真的非常方便和节省时间。我认为最重要的是,顾客可以在网上比较产品的价格和各种评价后即刻下单,而不必在实体店前排队。

  Do you think online shopping will replace shopping in stores?

  No, I don’t think so. Indeed, the advent of online shopping has already led to a decrease in physical shops because of its convenient nature, and customers may have a broader selection, or get a relatively-lower price via shopping online. However, a lot of people always complain about the quality problem and color aberration of online goods. In addition, some people like my parents don’t have patience for the delivery. So physical shops will still be necessary in the future.我不这么认为。确实网购因为它的方便性,顾客可以有更广泛的选择,或者相对较低的价格,已经导致实体店的大幅减少。然而很多人总是抱怨网上商品的质量问题和色差。另外像我父母这样的人对快递送货没有耐心。所以实体店在未来仍然是有存在的必要的。


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