

发布时间:2021-08-31 14:16:16浏览次数:1053文章来源:培顿教育
导读:  雅思口语Part3参考回答素材分享:想提升的天赋 本文小编又为大家带来参考素材啦!更多雅思备考干货,请关注培顿 教育!!培顿 教育雅思

  雅思口语Part3参考回答素材分享:想提升的天赋   本文小编又为大家带来参考素材啦!更多雅思备考干货,请关注培顿 教育!!培顿 教育雅思暑期班正在招生中,感兴趣的同学,可以咨询网站客服老师了解更多!



  1.Do you think artists with talents should focus on their talents?

  Yes, I agree that artists should play to their strengths and fulfill their potentials. Actually this is applicable to every one. Instead of working on what we need to improve, which drains our energy, focusing on what we are gifted at would make us happy and keep us motivated. When we build on what we do best, we will be more engaged and concentrated, increasing the possiblity of achieving success. If talented artists could maximize their strengths, whether it’s painting, singing or crafting, they would be more confident and productive, becoming the best version of themselves.

  2.Is it possible for us to know whether children who are 3 or 4 years old will become musicians and painters when they grow up?

  I’m not sure, but I guess it’s possible, since there is this saying “The Child Is Father of the Man’ in many countries. When children reach the age of 3 or 4, they have started exploring the world and show their talents in different areas. As long as provided with enough choices and opportunities, kids would show their insterests and talents in painting or playing musical instruments. However, the key to their future development is  to discover their gifts and give them professiional training as early as possible. Without proper guidance and hard work, talents might be wasted.

  3.Why do people like to watch talent shows?

  Talent shows are popular because the audience can see themselves in the strivers on these programs. Unlike some reality shows that are mainly about successful singers, actors or atheletes, talent shows provide average people or ameteurs with opportunities to perform on the stage. When we watch such shows, we get to imagine ourselves on stage and think, ‘maybe I could do that’. I mean, talent shows can be as entertaining, engaging as inspiring, which is why people love them.

  4.Do you think it is more interesting to watch famous people’s or ordinary people’s shows?

  Although it could be fun to watch shows of ordinary people, I would say it’s definitely more interesting to watch celebrities’ perfromances. Famous stars are professional in their fields. They have been trained and practiced for years to perform in TV programs, which means that they can effectively play their roles and satisfy the expectations of the audience. Besides, TV viewers are more interested in celebrities than in average people, they could be fans or just curious about what famous people would do on a reality show. In contrast, ordinary people without professional experiences and higher profile can hardly give attractive performances and draw attention from the public.

  更多雅思备考干货,请关注培顿 教育!!培顿 教育雅思暑期班正在招生中,感兴趣的同学,可以咨询网站客服老师了解更多!



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