

发布时间:2021-07-16 13:39:14浏览次数:39文章来源:培顿教育
导读:  • When it was  So last Aug was my best friend Jen& 39;s 18th birthday which is a big milestone 里程碑

  • When it was

  So last Aug was my best friend Jen's 18th birthday which is a big milestone 里程碑 in China as it means you are officially an adult.

  Leading up to her birthday I kept asking her what she wanted to do to celebrate the big day but she kept playing it down, saying she wasn't that bothered.

  • Why you needed to use imagination

  But I really wanted to do something special for her so I decided to throw her a surprise party. I had never planned one before so I really had to use my imagination to work out how to pull it off 完成.

  I had to come up with a theme, think about who to invite, decide on the entertainment and choose the food.


  • How difficult or easy it was

  At first, I didn't know where to start and felt like I had bitten off more than I could chew 贪多嚼不烂, so I decided to get my sister on board 拉...入伙.

  She was amazing. We spent the whole afternoon writing our ideas on a board and at the end of the day, we had a kind of plan.

  • And explain how you felt about it

  At first, it was overwhelming but once I got into it I managed to get quite creative. I think I was able to use my imagination to put together a party which I knew my best friend would like. And she did, she loved it and was completelytaken aback 惊讶 when she arrived at the party.

  More surprisingly, after the party, I received so many nice comments from other people. They thought I had done a really good job. One of my friend’s relatives asked me to organize her birthday party for her and she said that she would pay me for it.


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