
雅思口语part 3,这些细节你必须了解

发布时间:2021-07-16 13:39:14浏览次数:33文章来源:培顿教育
导读:  雅思口语考试一共分3部分。其中第三部分最考察学生的综合能力,在part 3中考官对考生的整体实力会有一个更透彻的了解。总而言之,要答

  雅思口语考试一共分3部分。其中第三部分最考察学生的综合能力,在part 3中考官对考生的整体实力会有一个更透彻的了解。总而言之,要答好part 3没那么容易。而能够把part 3处理好的考生才真正称得上是高分选手。那么,关于part 3在答题上更多的细节有哪些?下面就一起来看看


  从最浅显的认知来看,part 3相对part 1在回答的内容量的方面要更多一些。我们来看一个例子:

  Are there many traffic jams in your city?

  如果这道题出现在part 1同学们只需要回答这些就够了:

  Yes, especially in rush hour, there are so many cars on the road, and sometimes people are stuck for hours.


  但如果是part 3的问题的话,同学们不仅要给出例子,而且要对问题稍微进行更深入的分析。

  Yes, definitely. I think that’s probably because our living standard has improved and lots of families are able to buy a car for convenience and comfort. As a result, the road is always crowded with cars in the morning and evening when people travel to and from work.

  我们发现在上面的part 3答案中不仅有现象的说明,还有原因的分析。

  当然,part 3的回答不只局限于说理由,还有一些其它的方式。这里由于篇幅原因,我就不做具体的解释了。

雅思口语part 3,这些细节你必须了解


  Part 3相对part 1来讲问题会问得更加的抽象。所谓抽象其实就是问题涉及到的东西不再是和自己有直接的关系,更多是涉及到国家、社会,乃至全世界、全人类。

  Part 1:

  What do you think of advertisements?

  I think advertisements are annoying. They often pop up when I’m watching my favorite TV show or browsing a website.


  但在Part 3中,问题可能就不是这样了。

  Part 3:

  What kind of role does advertising play in our society?

  Well, advertisements are a way to spread information about consumer goods. They inform people of the latest products by introducing functions or uses in vivid pictures so that potential buyers can make decisions based on what they see from these ads. In a way, I think advertisements increase consumption and boost the economy.



  Part 3对回答者的自身英语水平也自然会有很高的要求。当然,这种高要求不仅仅体现在回答者回答的字数及抽象思维上,它也体现在回答者自身的词汇多样性和语法句式灵活度上。我们看一个例子:

  In China, how has shopping changed in the past few decades?

  In the past, say, 20 years ago, people did their shopping mostly in a shopping mall or department store, where they had to walk from store to store to compare prices and pay in cash. However, now we have internet and cellphones so purchases can be made electronically, and physical presence and cash are no longer necessary.

  大家注意答案中的词汇替换:do shopping vs. make purchases/ in a shopping mall or departmentvs. electronically/ walk from store to store vs. physical presence/ had to vs. necessary

  当然,句型也出现了从people作主语到抽象名词(physical presence and cash )作主语的转变。


相关热词搜索: 雅思口语 雅思考生 雅思考试


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