

发布时间:2021-07-16 13:39:14浏览次数:176文章来源:培顿教育
导读:  雅思口语Part3话题:运动与减肥,说到减肥,这个话题大家应该是非常熟悉的,想要说的话应该也是比较多的,这里我们就为大家分享一些关


  1. Do you usually go to gyms? Why?


  Yes, I do. I go to the gym every few days. You know,health is becoming more and more important. It is very hard to imagine how someone can survive without health! You know,health has already become the priority number one when it comes to almost everything and we are certainly going nowhere without it! Health has already become one of the very few things that can't be measured in terms of money. And certainly, going to gyms frequently is obviously a good way of keeping healthy.



  2. Do Chinese do lots of exercise?


  Yes, generally speaking,we Chinese do lots of exercise. Fitness, for the last several decades, had been used as a buzzword. Going to the gym to work out is frequently taken as one of the top New Year's resolutions,especially to young people. But it really depends. Depends on age and sex. Can you imagine a ninety-year-old lady going to the gym to build up nice figure and can you imagine a three-year-old little kid going to the gym to get in shape?


  3. What do you think of losing weight?


  This is being talked about like a buzzword among people,especially to those ladies who are dying to become more eye-catching and attention-grabbing. I think it is a good thing, but don't ever overdo it. It is like there is always a fine line, don't ever cross it. And I suppose being on crash diet of only tap water would be the very last thing that everybody wants to do and it will totally ruin your health.


  4. Who would like to lose weight more,women or men? Why?


  In China, women are definitely the demographic who are more likely to lose weight. It is one of the things that women like to do. They are always popping ingo beauty parlors, consulting, plastic surgeries and losing weight, like liposuction, massage and acupuncture: they might as well rush into a pharmacy to grab the weight-reducing medicine. Even if they go to sports center to exercise, they are more likely to be doing aerobics, yoga to bum fat: but it would turn out to become totally another picture when it comes to men. They don't think losing weight would ever become an issue for them.



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