

发布时间:2021-07-16 13:39:14浏览次数:31文章来源:培顿教育
导读:  雅思口语Part3考试需要注意的3点,对于很多考生而言,雅思口语考试是比较难的一个科目,想要在这个部分拿到高分,就需要学生们多多注意


  1. 语法结构Think about what structure the examiner is testing.

  考生需要向考官展示“自如运用各种语法结构、时态等英语能力”~The examiner needs to know that you are capable of using a wide range of structures.尽量多用不同的语法结构,简单句&复合句&各种从句~Don’t worry about inserting as many structures as possible into your answers because they will ask you specific questions to test specific grammar structures.

  让我们看看下面几个例子~Let’s look at the examples above:

  询问意见类/涉及过去时、现在时~How have mobile phones changed the types of relationships people make? – opinion/past/present

  对他人观点给予评价/可能涉及各种时态~Some people think that children should not be allowed to use mobiles, do you agree?- evaluating someone’s opinion

  过去时&现在时(完成时)How has mobile phone use changed in the last 10 years.- past to present (perfect tenses)

  预测类/将来时~How will mobile phones change in the future?-future/prediction

  假设类/虚拟时态~If you could add any new feature to a smart phone, what would it be?- hypothetical


  2.考官在试探你Know that the examiner is trying to stretch you

  Part 1只是热身,Part 2是考生的独角戏,而Part 3或多或少涉及考生和考官的互动,真实反映人与人间用外语交流的能力~Part 1 is really just a warm-up and Part 2 is a monologue, so Part 3 is the examiners chance to really test you and stretch your language abilities to the very limit.考官会根据考生在前面部分表现出来的英语能力,来适当加大难度,比如在你说得正流利的时候打断你~The main thing to remember is that they will ask you questions you won’t be able to answer as well as you hoped. They will often increase the difficulty until you can’t answer the question.考生被问到“难题”不必惊慌,这正是体现英语功底、冲刺高分的机会~They are not trying to be cruel, this is just the best way for them to test your knowledge of grammatical structures and vocabulary.

  提前做好“遇到难题”的心理准备,万一超出备考范围也不要慌张,更不要草草结束!Think about a personal trainer or athletics coach forcing an athlete to perform more and more strenuous exercises to judge their true ability. If you know this is going to happen you will NOT get stressed out and you willanswer the questions more confidently and get higher scores.

  3.不要试图草草结束Don’t try to finish quickly

  在极度紧张的情况下,说一门外语超过15分钟是很令人疲倦的,尤其是在卡壳、有问题没能回答好、低于预期的时候,考生一心只想快些结束考试~Speaking for up to 15 minutes in a foreign language is TIRING. 考前那天晚上要保证睡眠充足~You might not have slept the night before, you are stressed and you might have also done other tests that day.对于四六级考试,考前几天临时抱佛脚、狂刷真题或许能提高不少分数,但是对于雅思考试,没有真正的英语能力和平日的积累,是很难在几天之内提高的~In short, you will be exhausted and your body will want you to take it home and tuck it into bed as quickly as possible.

  很多考生在遇到难题时,因为害怕犯错误而回答得过于简短,这反倒成为了得低分的原因~Lots of students give very short answers because they simply want their test to be over as soon as possible.关于如何在没话说的时候延伸思路、拓展答案,



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