
雅思口语【发挥想象力】How you felt about it

发布时间:2021-04-20 14:50:14浏览次数:260文章来源:培顿教育
导读:  雅思口语【发挥想象力】How you felt about it 最后一问,更多的是在探讨imagination这件事会给我们带来的好处以及潜在的问题。 

  雅思口语【发挥想象力】How you felt about it  最后一问,更多的是在探讨“imagination”这件事会给我们带来的好处以及潜在的问题。


雅思口语【发挥想象力】How you felt about it

  Example :

  At first, it was overwhelming but once I got into it, I managed to get quite creative. I think I was able to use my imagination to put together a party which I knew my best friend would like. And she did, she loved it and was completely taken aback 惊讶 when she arrived at the party.

  More surprisingly, after the party, I received so many nice comments from other people. They thought I had done a really good job. One of my friend’s relatives asked me to organize her birthday party for her and she said that she would pay me for it.


  Example :

  Even though it was really fun to play the game and we laughed a lot, It was actually really difficult for me. Most of the time I had no idea what to draw. I just stared at the screen and I just wanted to give up. I don’t think I will play that game again.


相关热词搜索: 发挥想象力 雅思口语


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