
雅思口语part2【现场体育比赛】How you felt about it

发布时间:2021-04-06 10:57:27浏览次数:429文章来源:培顿教育
导读:  雅思口语part2【现场体育比赛】How you felt about it 至于你对一场比赛的看法,如果你想不到什么观点的话,我就给你个万能的套路

  雅思口语part2【现场体育比赛】How you felt about it 至于你对一场比赛的看法,如果你想不到什么观点的话,我就给你个万能的套路。“live sport game”既然是属于“activity”,我们便可从它具备的“benefits”来着手。

雅思口语part2【现场体育比赛】How you felt about it 图片来源站酷


  Example one:

  Well, I definitely enjoyed it far more than I was expecting. The atmosphere was amazing and it was so nice to see everyone let their hair down 放松 after the exams.

  As I was photographing the event, I also got to see everything up close which made it more interesting. The photos came out really well and were published in the school newspaper.

  Example two:

  It was far more enjoyable than I had expected. Seeing all the famous footballers running around the pitch was very exciting. I was on the edge of my seat 十分兴奋 for the whole match. And what made it even better is that I met some like-minded志趣相投的 people.

  I was sitting next to a lovely couple and we got chatting and soon realized that we had so much in common. I think watching a match live is far more thrilling than watching it on the screen. The atmosphere is electrifying 令人振奋的.

  不过面对“how you feel about it”类型问题,你除了可以从正面考虑外,你也可以从反面来思考。你对一个现象体育比赛的感受可能也会因为“现象”而带来很多问题。如果说现场看球可以交到朋友的话,现象看球也可能会让你因为过于拥挤嘈杂而失去观看的兴趣。

  Example :

  Well, it certainly was not as fun as I expected. I thought the atmosphere was going to be amazing but it wasn't at all. It was so packed out, you could barely move. It was really noisy, people were cheering and blowing horns.

  I kept getting shoved and pushed and trying to buy any refreshments was a nightmare. The game itself was exciting but to be honest, I prefer watching the game from the comfort of my own home.


相关热词搜索: 雅思口语part2 现场体育比赛


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