
雅思口语范文-Describe a leader

发布时间:2021-03-05 16:11:17浏览次数:327文章来源:培顿教育
导读:Describe a leader,You should say:l Who this leader is was l What this leader does did l Something this leader did said that impressed you a lot And explain why you think he she is was a great leader
Describe a leader
You should say:
Who this leader is/was
What this leader does/did
Something this leader did/said that impressed you a lot
And explain why you think he/she is/was a great leader
The leader I want to talk about is Ma Yun, ex-CEO of Alibaba Group. Alibaba is the world’s largest online marketplace for global trade.
Ma yun is definitely one of the most legendary figures in this whole industry. He has been running his own business for many years. He is often invited to be a guest by different TV programmes, radio programmes, newspapers, magazines and online alk shows. He once gave an interview to a TV programme called “Win in China”. During the interview, the MC asked him, “obviously, you are remarkably successful now, but I was wondering if you could tell us what made you who you are today after you hit rock bottom?”
Ma smiled and said, “For starters, I am aftaid that I am not up to the successful remark. And to my experiences of all these years, I think it is always brutal today, even more trutal tomorrow and wonderful the day after; but most guys would die by tomorrow night and won’t be able to see the sunshine the day after tomorrow! That is to say, once you have a dream, just go for it, never give up easily; your dream might not come true in one day or two, but it will someday. Those who stick to the end are the real winners!” his words inspired me a lot. Although he is not the CEO of Alibaba Group, he is forever the idol in my heart.
I admire him from the bottom of my heart not only because of the person himself, but also because of the things I learned from his words.



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